A woman ran to throw burning garbage on the police during the riots, then something happened that became a joke on social media!

A woman ran to throw burning garbage on the police during the riots, then something happened that became a joke on social media!

Sometimes, even in a serious and tense atmosphere, some people become objects of laughter. This seems strange, especially in violent cases, where there is a risk of someone’s life being lost. Riots are raging in Britain at the moment and rioters are attacking the police at many places. In such a situation, an incident happened in which something happened that no one had expected. A rioter woman was trying to throw burning garbage on the police along with her companion, but what happened became an entertaining incident. The incident was captured in a video. And it became a joke as soon as it was shared on social media.

The riots that erupted in different cities of Britain after the death of three girls have not stopped. After the deaths, the ongoing protests against immigration turned into riots. In one of the many horrific clips that emerged as a result, a woman was seen pushing a council dustbin towards a line of police in riot gear along with a man.

The woman’s accidental swan dive happened when her partner, while helping her with the task, let go of the handle, causing her to fly off. The bin caught fire as smoke poured out of it. It is not clear where the clip was shot, but it is evident that the woman became a laughing stock for her fellow rioters when she almost fell headlong into the bin she was pushing, and was then handed over to the police like a gift.

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