Kartik Aaryan New Movie: There was a lot of craze among the audience about the sequel of the 2013 hit film ‘Aashiqui 2’. Earlier the news came that the makers have shown the way out of the film to the lead actress Trupti Dimri. But now there are reports that this film being made with Karthik Aryan has been put on hold. Now Karthik Aryan has a new film in his hands in which he will not be seen with Trupti, but with some other beauty.
About 2 years ago the film ‘Aashiqui 3’ was announced and it was told that its shooting would start soon. Anurag Basu was directing the film. Since the announcement of ‘Aashiqui 3’, many kinds of obstacles have come up. Initially there was a discussion between Mukesh Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar about producing the film but things did not work out.
‘Aashiqui 3’ put on hold
In March 2024, T-Series head Bhushan Kumar had announced that he would single-handedly produce this project of Kartik Aryan and Anurag Basu. After this the name of the film was changed. After this, news came in November that Karthik Aryan was adamant that he wants to work only in Aashiqui banner films and now Trupti also walked out of the film. Amidst these controversies, the film may have been shelved, but Karthik Aryan’s romantic style is definitely going to be seen.
Karthik Aryan will fall in love with a new beauty in the new film
Kartik Aryan and Anurag Basu are working on a new project. Bhushan Kumar will also produce this film. According to reports, all three are going to work in a love story. It is being said that Sharvari Wagh will be seen romancing with Kartik Aryan in this film. However, no confirmation has come forward regarding this. The shooting of this film may start at the end of this month or in the first week of February.