After all, where do the richest farmers live in the world, their income is in lakhs

After all, where do the richest farmers live in the world, their income is in lakhs


As soon as the name of the farmer comes up, the picture of village and small houses comes to the mind of most of the people. But the village about which we are going to tell you today has left even the metro cities of India behind. The farmers of this village are among the richest farmers in the world. The annual income of almost every person living in this village is more than eighty lakh rupees. Know where this village is and how the farmers here are so rich.

Agriculture oriented village

Today we are going to tell you about the village. , This village is an agricultural village. This means that the people here mainly do farming. Even after this, looking at their homes and their lifestyle, people living in big cities cannot compete. This village is Huazhi village situated near Jiangyin city of China.

Earn lakhs from farming

Let us tell you that the farmers of Huazhi village have come up with such an idea. Due to which today this village is counted among the richest villages in the world. Every person living in this village lives comfortably inside a solid and luxurious house. Not only this, he has expensive cars. There are paved roads inside the village and proper arrangement of drains.

According to the information, when this village was established, the conditions were not very good. This village was settled in 1961. At that time this village was very poor and the condition of agriculture here was very bad. But after this the Communist Party organization was formed in the village. Its president Wu Renwao had changed the face of the village. Let us tell you that instead of farming on his own land, every farmer does farming in a group, due to collective farming, the future of the people here has changed in such a way that today all the farmers earn in lakhs.

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