After all, why does any epidemic in India start from Kerala only? This was the first case of Corona, Nipah and Monkeypox found

After all, why does any epidemic in India start from Kerala only?  This was the first case of Corona, Nipah and Monkeypox found

For many centuries, some such diseases suddenly appear in the world which are completely new to the people. Before 2019, no one had even heard the name of Corona virus. But this virus that appeared suddenly infected the entire world in one stroke. India also did not remain untouched by this and here too lakhs of people lost their lives due to this virus.

The first case of Corona in India was found from Kerala. This was the first corona virus infected person found. If we talk about other viruses, the first case of Nipah virus in India was also reported from Kerala and also of monkeypox. After all, what could be the reason behind this? A person tried to explain this reason on social media. Many people agree with the man’s argument and many have added more points to it.

Keralites are spread in many parts of the world
Many people living in Kerala are associated with medical faculties in different countries of the world. In such a situation, when they return to their homes, they also bring many types of viruses. Apart from this, wildlife density is very high in Kerala. Due to deforestation, these animals live close to people. In such a situation, many deadly viruses spread from these animals to humans. In the end the person told that the people of Kerala are more aware about their health. If they see any symptoms then they get tested. Because of this the virus gets detected.

people praised
This video of the person has been viewed millions of times so far. People found the arguments of this person named Yash Raj Sharma valid. Many praised him in the comments. Many believed that the people of Kerala do not take any health related matter lightly. During Corona, many people were seen roaming in public hiding their illness. But because of the education of the people of Kerala, they remained isolated. Perhaps this is the reason why even if any virus is detected here first, it does not have much impact on the state.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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