After all, why were three fingers of this scientist cut off after his death, know the reason behind this

After all, why were three fingers of this scientist cut off after his death, know the reason behind this


Scientists from all the countries of the world have made different discoveries. But today we are going to tell you about a scientist who revealed many secrets of the universe to the world. But instead he got punished. Not only this, after the death of that scientist, three of his fingers were also cut off. Yes, you recognized it right, today we are talking about the great scientist Galileo. Today we are going to tell you some facts related to Galileo’s life. 

Who was Galileo

Galileo was an Italian physicist and astronomer. He was born on 15 February 1564 in Pisa. According to the information, Galileo’s father wanted him to become a doctor but his interest was in mathematics. After which he became a professor of mathematics. Let us tell you that in his life he had revealed many secrets of the universe to the world. 

Galileo made a telescope 

Galileo To understand the mysteries, he himself made a telescope. With the help of which he discovered astronomy. In his research he had found that the Moon is not smooth, but hilly and cratered. Apart from this, he used his new telescope to discover four moons orbiting Jupiter, study Saturn, observe the phases of Venus and study sun spots on the Sun. Let us tell you that Galileo’s discovery further strengthened Copernicus’ theory. Which says that the Earth and all the other planets revolve around the Sun. However, this was completely contrary to the thinking of that time. 

Catholic Church’s allegation

Let us tell you that according to the church and the scriptures at that time, The concept was prevalent that the Sun revolves around the Earth. But Galileo’s statement and research were completely different from what the Church said. For this reason, the Inquisition (the legal body of the Catholic Church) called Galileo to Rome to answer the charges against him. Let us tell you that the Catholic Church was considered very powerful and influential at that time. Galileo was accused of being a heretic as early as 1616. Was accused of. Let us tell you that heresy was such a crime, for which people were sometimes even given death sentence. However, Galileo was acquitted of heresy. But he was told not to say publicly that the Earth is not the center of the universe. However, even after escaping the charges, Galileo continued his study of astronomy. After this, he published a book in 1632. In which he said that Copernicus’s theory is correct, according to which the Sun is at the center instead of the Earth. This time Galileo was once again brought before the Inquisition and this time he was convicted of heresy. Apart from this, his book was banned. 

Life imprisonment

Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. However, due to his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under home arrest. But due to poor health, Galileo died while in prison on January 8, 1642.

Why were the fingers cut off?

After death Galileo was also considered a heretic. So he was buried without any official ceremony in a hidden chapel of the Church of Santa Croce in Florence. However, 100 years after his death, in 1737, a mausoleum of Galileo was built in the same church of Santa Croce. Experts say that removing organs from the bodies of Catholic saints used to be a common practice. It is said that these organs have sacred powers. Those who removed Galileo’s fingers considered him a saint. Let us tell you that the same fingers of Galileo were removed with which he used to hold the pen. However, today these three fingers are kept in a museum in Florence, Italy. 


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