After how many years is an aircraft retired Then where does the plane go

After how many years is an aircraft retired Then where does the plane go

Let us tell you that the retirement age of aircraft is 25 years. However, with very good maintenance, the flight can be operated for a few more years. But after that it is removed. According to the information, after retirement, the last flight of the aircraft is towards the storage depot. Which is also called airplane boneyard or graveyard.

There are aircraft storage depots all over the world, including India. But America has many such depots, where not just one or two but hundreds of retired aircrafts get space. Most of such storage depots are in the southern or western provinces of America.

There are aircraft storage depots all over the world, including India. But America has many such depots, where not just one or two but hundreds of retired aircrafts get space. Most of such storage depots are in the southern or western provinces of America.

According to the information, when the planes arrive at these depots, they are first thoroughly washed. In this washing, such chemicals are also added that if any salt-like substance comes anywhere in the body of the plane, it gets destroyed. After this, the fuel is completely removed from its fuel tank.

According to the information, when the planes arrive at these depots, they are first thoroughly washed. In this washing, such chemicals are also added that if any salt-like substance comes anywhere in the body of the plane, it gets destroyed. After this, the fuel is completely removed from its fuel tank.

After this, the work of removing each part, machine and item is done one by one. There are a total of 3.5 lakh components in the plane. These are removed. These things are used as parts for other planes. There is a huge demand for these in the aircraft repair market.

After this, the work of removing each part, machine and item is done one by one. There are a total of 3.5 lakh components in the plane. These are removed. These things are used as parts for other planes. There is a huge demand for these in the aircraft repair market.

Then the work of dismantling the aircraft body begins with the help of cranes and machines. The entire body of the aircraft is crushed and melted. So that it can be recycled and reused. However, sometimes some people also buy the empty bodies of aircraft.

Then the work of dismantling the aircraft body begins with the help of cranes and machines. The entire body of the aircraft is crushed and melted. So that it can be recycled and reused. However, sometimes some people also buy the empty bodies of aircraft.

Published at : 14 Sep 2024 09:00 AM (IST)

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