Air travel during pregnancy Is it safe know about myths and facts

Air travel during pregnancy Is it safe know about myths and facts

During pregnancy, one has to take special care of many things. Especially regarding travel, it is advised that whenever you travel during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor once. If you are traveling during pregnancy, then even a small negligence of yours can prove to be dangerous for your child. Let us know about this in detail.

The elders of the house often forbid traveling during pregnancy because it is believed that it has a serious effect on the position of the child. But according to research, if you are thinking of traveling during pregnancy, then first of all, consult your doctor. The doctor advises traveling only after examining your medical condition.

Actually, ABP Live Hindi ‘Myth vs Facts’ We have started a series on this topic. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths about pregnancy in the society, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical manner.

‘Myth vs Facts’ In the series, we raise such issues. We try to get to the bottom of it. People often use these words in their colloquial language. For example, in our society, there are many things about pregnancy that doctors consider to be myths. Myth vs Truth Through this series, we will present such things to the general public with facts. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of old-fashioned lies.

Myths Vs Facts: Is traveling during pregnancy dangerous for mother and child?

Keep essential medicines with you

If you are traveling during pregnancy, you should take special care of certain things. For example, before traveling, you must meet your doctor once. So that you can confirm with the doctor whether it is dangerous for you or not. Do keep medicines with you.

Keep food items with you

Whenever you travel during pregnancy, keep food items with you. Homemade food is good during pregnancy. There is no adulteration in it. The risk of health related problems is less.

‘Fit to Fly’ Certificate

If you are traveling by flight during pregnancy, then definitely get a fitness for flight certificate from the doctor. If you are going out of the country then a flight certificate becomes very important.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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