Aligarh News: 12-year-old boy took 11-month-old girl to feed, raped her, left home soaked in blood – 11 Month Old Girl Physical Harassment By 12 Year Old Boy

Aligarh News: 12-year-old boy took 11-month-old girl to feed, raped her, left home soaked in blood – 11 Month Old Girl Physical Harassment By 12 Year Old Boy

baby girl symbolic
Photo: amar ujala


In Aligarh metropolis, a 12-year-old boy has been accused of raping an 11-month-old girl. The accused left the house in a blood-soaked state and disappeared. When the relatives came to know, they reached the police station in the night and told the whole incident to the police. After an overnight effort, the police took the accused into custody in the early hours and produced them before the Juvenile Justice Board. From where he was sent to a child reform home.

According to the incident, the elder daughter of about nine years was feeding her 11-month-old younger sister in her lap in the laborer’s family in Rorawar old population. There was a bottle of milk in his mouth. Then a 12-year-old boy of the locality came and took the girl to his house on the pretext of feeding her. After some time he dropped her at her house in a blood-soaked state.

When the mother of the child saw this condition of the daughter, she asked the elder daughter. He told the whole thing. It didn’t take long for the mother to understand and went to the police station along with her family members and informed. On the news CO and Inspector Roravar etc. came to the spot. Understanding the matter, the girl was brought to Deendayal Hospital in critical condition. Where he was admitted for medical examination and treatment.

The police laid siege and took the child into custody from a madrasa in the early hours. During this, the madrasa staff and other children were also questioned for hours regarding him. Here, on the basis of a case filed by the girl’s family, the child was produced before the Juvenile Justice Board. From where he was sent to a child reform home. According to SP City Kuldeep Singh Gunawat, medical tests etc. are being conducted in the case. The child has done a dirty act with a girl of about one year. She is injured by that. The case has been written under sections of rape.

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