Amalaki Ekadashi 2024 amla tree and lord vishnu puja vrat importance according to hindu shastra

Amalaki Ekadashi 2024 amla tree and lord vishnu puja vrat importance according to hindu shastra

Amalaki Ekadashi 2024: In our Sanatani traditions, there is some story and belief behind every date. You can celebrate festivals 365 days of the year or you have to fast on that day. One such day is Ekadashi which comes twice a month. Ekadashi fast has its own importance. Every Ekadashi has a different result. One such important day is ‘Amalaki’ Ekadashi. Let us know interesting things related to it according to weapons-

How did the Amla tree originate?

According to Padma Purana Uttarakhand (Ekadashi Mahatmya Chapter Number 47), Lord Shri Krishna, while explaining the importance of this Ekadashi, said that I will tell you what Mahatma Vashishtha had said at that time when asked by King Mandhata. The name of Ekadashi of Phalgun Shuklapaksha is “Amalaki Ekadashi”. Explaining the origin of ‘Amalaki’ or Amla on earth, he further said that Amalaki is a great tree, which is the destroyer of all sins. From the saliva of Lord Vishnu, a shining point like the moon appeared, when that point fell on the earth, the great Amalaki (Gooseberry) tree was born from it. It is called the origin of all trees.

At this time, God created Brahma ji to create all the people. It was from them that these people were created. Lord Brahma gave birth to Gods, Demons, Gandharvas, Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Nagas and Maharishis. Among them the gods and sages came to the place where the Amalaki tree was. The gods were astonished to see him. They looked at each other and started looking at that tree and while standing there started thinking that the trees like Plaksh (Pakad) etc. are like the previous Kalpa, which are familiar to all of us, but we do not know this tree. do not know.

‘Amla’ is a Vaishnav tree

Seeing him worrying like this, a voice from the sky said – ‘Maharshis! This is the best Amalaki tree, which is dear to Lord Vishnu. By merely remembering this one gets the fruits of Godan. By touching it one gets double the virtue and by eating the fruit, one gets triple the virtue. Therefore, one should always consume Amalaki with effort. It has been described as a Vaishnav tree that removes all sins. Lord Vishnu resides in its core, Lord Brahma above him, Lord Rudra in the wings, sages in the branches, deities in the branches, Vasu in the leaves, Marud in the flowers and all Prajapati resides in the fruits. Amalaki has been described as omniscient (Tasya mule sthito vishnustaduvai ca pitamaha. Skandhe cha Bhagwan Rudra: Sanstith Parmeshwar: ॥ Shakhasu Munayah Sarve Prashakhasu Cha Devtaah. Parneshu Vasavo Deva: Pushpeshu Marutastatha.Therefore, it is highly revered for Vishnu devotees.

The sage said, great man who speaks from an invisible form! How should we understand you – who are you? Is it a god or someone else? Tell us exactly. The voice from the sky said – “I am the same eternal Vishnu who is the creator of all the ghosts and the creator of all the worlds, whom even learned people can see with difficulty.” Hearing the statement of Devadhidev Lord Vishnu, the eyes of those Brahmakumar Maharishis became astonished. He was astonished and started praising God. Lord Shri Hari was satisfied with the praise of the sages in this way and said – Maharshi! What boon should I give you?

The sage said- Lord! If you are satisfied, then please suggest some fast for the welfare of us, which will provide the fruits of heaven and salvation. Shri Vishnu said- Maharshi! If there is a date associated with Pushya Nakshatra in Phalgun Shukla Paksha, then it gives great virtue and destroys big sins. On Amalaki Ekadashi, one should go near the Amla tree and keep vigil there at night. By this man becomes free from all sins and gets the fruit of thousands of Godans.

Method of Amalaki Ekadashi fast

After defecation in the morning on Ekadashi, take a resolution that “I will remain fasting on Ekadashi and eat food the next day.” Keeping your mind under control, take bath in a river, pond, well or at home. Apply mud on the body before bathing.”

Mantra for applying soil: –
Ashvakrante Rathkrante Vishnukrante Vasundhare. Sins in every part of the body.
(Padma Purana Answer Section 47, 43)

Meaning – “O Vasundhara! Horses and chariots run over you and during the Vamana incarnation, Lord Vishnu also measured you with his feet. Take away all the sins I have committed in millions of births.”

Bathing Mantra: –
त्वम मातः सर्वभूतानां जीवनं तत्तु रक्षकम्. Swedjodbhijjajatinam rasanam pataye namah ॥ Stratoham Sarvatirtheshu Hridprastravaneshu Ch. Nadishu Devkhateshu Idam Stranan Tu Me Bhavet.
(Padma Purana Answer Section 47.44–45)

Meaning – “Presiding Goddess of Water!” You are life for all beings. The same life, which is also the protector of the living beings of Swadaj caste. You are the mistress of juices. May this bath of mine give the results of all the above baths.”

A learned man should make a gold statue of Parashuram ji. The idol should be made of one or half weight gold according to one’s power and wealth. After bathing, come home and perform puja and havan. After this, take all the materials and go to the Amla tree. Clean the ground around the tree there by sweeping and plastering it. Install a new pot filled with water in the purified land after reciting the mantra. Leave five gems and divine scent etc. in the Kalash. Color it with white sandalwood. Wear a garland of flowers around the neck. Spread the fragrance of all types of incense. Keep a series of burning lamps decorated. Also order new umbrella, shoes and clothes for puja. Place a vessel on top of the Kalash and fill it with divine flowers. Then install the golden Parashuram ji on it. Thereafter, with a devotional mind, offer Arghya to Devadhidev Parshuramji with pure fruits. Arghyaka mantra is as follows-

Namaste Devdevesh Jamadagnya Namostu Te. Grihanaarghyamimam dattamamalakya yutan hare. (Padma Purana Answer Section 47.57)

Meaning – “Devdeveshwar! Jamdagninandan! Parshuramji! Salutations to you, salutations to you. Please accept this Arghya given by me along with Amla fruit.”

After that, awaken with a devotional mind. They should spend the night through dance, music, musical instruments, religious anecdotes and stories related to Shri Vishnu. After that, take the name of Lord Vishnu and circumambulate the Amalaki tree one hundred eight or twenty eight times. Then in the morning, perform Shri Hariki Aarti. Donate all the things like the urn, two clothes, shoes etc. of Parshuramji and have the feeling that “Lord Vishnu should be pleased with me in the form of Parshuramji.” After that, touch the Amalaki and circumambulate it and after taking bath, offer food to the Brahmins as per the rituals. After that, sit with your family members and have your meal yourself. By doing this, the virtue that is obtained by visiting all the holy places and the results that are obtained by giving all kinds of donations, all that can be achieved by following the above mentioned method.

Vasisthaji says – Maharaj! Saying this, Deveshwar Lord Vishnu disappeared there. After that, all those Maharshi observed the said fast completely. Similarly, you should also observe the rituals of this fast.

Lord Shri Krishna says- Yudhishthir! This Durdhaarsha fast frees man from all sins. In this way, whoever observes this great fast easily attains Vaikuntha world and is entitled to salvation.

Why do Ayurvedic doctors give the status of nectar to Amla?

Amla has not been called an immortal fruit for no reason. Due to its miraculous medicinal, nutritious and tasteful elements, it has reached the status of immortal fruit. This is a very ancient fruit whose mention is found in our scriptures. You can consume this fruit in any form. In winter, Amla can be eaten raw and chutney can be made from it. You can make jam, sherbet or make pickle or powder from it. The nature of Amla is such that its nutritional value is not affected much by cooking, drying or any other process. That is why you can use it throughout the year. In big cities, raw gooseberries are available throughout the year. According to Ayurvedic doctors, Amla can cure more than 100 diseases, that too as per scientific evidence.

Classical form of Amla

The origin of the Amla tree and its importance are described further. According to Skanda Purana (Vaishnavkhand, Kartikmas-Mahatmya Chapter Number 12), Amla should be worshiped on Chaturdashi of Shukla Paksha of Kartik. Amla tree is the destroyer of all sins. This Chaturdashi is also called Vaikuntha Chaturdashi. Along with this, worshiping Amla tree on Phalgun Shukla Ekadashi also has importance. On that day, sit under the shade of Amla tree and worship Shri Hari.

In ancient times, when the whole world was submerged in water and all living beings were destroyed, at that time Lord Brahma started chanting Parabrahm. He exhaled while chanting Brahma. At the same time, due to the love of seeing God, tears came out of his eyes. That drop of water fell on the earth. From that the Amla tree was born, from which many branches and sub-branches emerged. It was loaded with fruits. Among all the trees, Amla was the first to appear, hence it was called ‘Adiroh’. Lord Brahma first created Amla. After that he created all the people. When the gods etc. were also created, they came to the place where there was a Amla tree which was dear to Lord Vishnu. The gods were very surprised to see him. At the same time a voice came from the sky – “This Amla tree is the best of all trees; Because it is dear to Lord Vishnu”. One gets double the virtue by seeing it and three times by eating its fruit. Therefore, one should make efforts and consume Amla. Because he is dear to Lord Vishnu and the destroyer of all sins. Whatever good a person does under the shade of Amla tree, it gets multiplied.

Use of Amla in puja: ,

  • According to Agni Purana 72.12–14, there is a provision to bathe the Lord with royal remedies like fragrance, amla etc.
  • According to Agni Purana 78.39–40, there is a rule to add ‘Vashat’ at the end of Aghor-Mantra and offer Amla in the north direction before its pronunciation.

What do the scriptures say about Amla in terms of health symptoms?

  • According to Agni Purana 279.24, Amla can cure Arthritis.
  • According to Agni Purana 279.34–37, Amla can cure boils.
  • According to Agni Purana 273.34–40, Amla can cure erysipelas (itching).
  • According to Agni Purana 275.1–5, Amla can cure fever.
  • According to Agni Purana 275.1–5, decoction of Amla, Neem etc. is also beneficial for external purification of the body.
  • According to Sushruta Samhita (Uttar Tantra Chapter 12), Amla is beneficial for eye diseases.
  • According to Agni Purana 222.7–10, Amla can cure even a person who has drunk poison.
  • Amla has been given the main place in Ayurveda, Amla cures almost all diseases.
  • According to archaeological evidence, they are also found in the Rig Vedic period.
  • According to me, there is nothing wrong in calling Amla as Sanjeevani after Giloy.

read this also: Amalaki Ekadashi 2024: Amalaki Ekadashi today, when to break the fast, know date, time and method

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