Amazing way to increase food business… Test the food first, pay if you like it!

Amazing way to increase food business… Test the food first, pay if you like it!

Aditya Tiwari / Bhopal, Many startups have emerged in the past from Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Syed Faisal Ali, 28, recently started his food startup in the city’s number 10 market. The young man has named his restaurant Kurtos. You will find many types of dishes in this restaurant, but the most important thing here is its unique policy, which is – pay only if you like the food. Syed Faisal Ali said that under this policy, the people coming to the restaurant first taste the food. is done. The customer has to pay only if he likes the food. But if they do not like the food there, then there is no need to pay.

Syed Faisal told that he always wanted to do business. He had earlier worked as a marketing manager, but later left it and started his own food startup with the help of his family members. Before starting the restaurant, Faisal’s elder brother helped him financially. Apart from this, Syed Faisal’s wife also helped in building the restaurant after which he was able to start his startup. His restaurant business is doing well under the unique concept of ‘Pay only when you like the food…’.

Talking to News18 Local, Syed told that he had gone to Mayanagari Mumbai. Here he ate Kuritos which he found very tasty. He started his own startup after returning to Bhopal. Syed told that Kurtos is available only in Mumbai and Bhopal, apart from this it is not available anywhere.

Why the policy of giving money when you like the food?

Regarding the concept of ‘First come and test, if you like the food then pay’, Syed told that he has done this for marketing the food. However, there are some customers who come here to take advantage of this and go away after eating the food. Only two to three people pay the bill after eating. Because of this, initially I had to face loss, but since last few months our business has started making profit.

Tags: Bhopal News, food 18, Local18, Mp news, street food

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