America tarnishes India’s image in religious freedom report, says Muslims were beaten, places of worship were demolished

America tarnishes India’s image in religious freedom report, says Muslims were beaten, places of worship were demolished

America Religious Report: The US government’s commission has released a report on the alleged decline of religious freedom in India, in which senior policy analyst Sema Hasan has written that there are violent attacks on religious minorities and their places of worship in India. Wrong information is given to spread religious unrest. Apart from this, the most shocking thing is that the report talks about anti-Muslim, Waqf Amendment Bill and anti-cow slaughter law. Due to all this, the Commission has requested to nominate the country in the list of countries with religious discrimination.

In its annual report, USCIRF has requested the US State Department to include India as a country of special concern, keeping in mind the violations taking place at the religious level. However, this is not the first time that the US Commission has issued such a report related to religion against India. He had done this before also. But due to good relations between India and America, the Joe Biden administration has avoided accepting the request made by USCIRF.

USCIRF said things in its report related to religion

USCIRF said in a religion-related report that India has refused to grant visas to the country to USCIRF people who interfere in its internal affairs. Apart from this, religious leaders are arrested arbitrarily there. Homes and places of religious worship are targeted on the basis of religion. Such incidents clearly constitute a serious violation of religious freedom.

USCIRF issues religion based reports
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has been releasing religion-based reports regarding many countries of the world. Through this he keeps trying to put pressure on other countries. On this report, many other Indian-American groups including India have alleged that the Commission keeps defaming the country at the global level. For this, he does biased, without correct data and agenda-driven reporting. If we talk about the recent report, the Commission has accused India of targeting religious minorities through laws like Citizenship Amendment Act, Uniform Civil Code.

Let us tell you that from time to time, the Muslims of India have been complaining of discrimination at every level under the current government on various issues.

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