Anant Ambani Watch: Anant Ambani has surprised everyone with his new watch worth Rs 22 crore. This clock looks like a piece of ice and only three have been made in the world. Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, is very fond of watches. He has a collection of rare watches from luxury brands like Richard Mille, Patek Philippe, and Audemars Pigue. Recently, at an event with Radhika Merchant, she wore the Richard Mille RM 52-04 “Skull” Blue Sapphire. It is considered one of the rarest watches in the world.
Richard Mille’s design
The Richard Mille RM 52-04 “Skull” Blue Sapphire is available only to select customers. According to the Instagram page ‘The Indian Horology’, only three watches of this model have been made. Luxury watch store ‘ Vintage Grail ‘ has described it as one of the rarest for collectors. The design of this watch makes it special. Its case is made of sapphire and features a pirate skull and crossbones design. The movement of the watch is attached to four bridges shaped like “bones”, which are also visible from its back.
price of watch
The price of this priceless watch is US $ 26,25,000, which is equivalent to approximately ₹ 22.5 crore in Indian currency. For your information, let us tell you that Anant Ambani is the youngest son of Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani. He married Radhika Merchant on 12 July 2024. His siblings are Isha Ambani and Akash Ambani. The Richard Mille brand is known for its high prices and unique designs. It has become a status symbol among the rich and famous. Apart from this, the look of this watch is also very attractive which attracts people’s attention from a distance.
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