Animal Welfare Board Appeals To Celebrate February 14 As Cow Hug Day Instead Of Valentines Day | Cow Hug Day: Celebrate ‘Cow Hug Day’ on February 14, not Valentine’s Day, says Animal Welfare Board

Animal Welfare Board Appeals To Celebrate February 14 As Cow Hug Day Instead Of Valentines Day |  Cow Hug Day: Celebrate ‘Cow Hug Day’ on February 14, not Valentine’s Day, says Animal Welfare Board

14 February Cow Hug Day: February is called the month of love all over the world. Especially Valentine Week is celebrated from 7 February to 14 February. During this, loving couples express their love for each other and also give various gifts. In Western culture, Valentine’s Week is considered a good opportunity to express love. By the way, in India too, the trend of Valentine’s Week is increasing among loving couples, but it is not necessary that you love only humans, you can give some love and affection to animals.

The appeal of the Animal Welfare Board is being described as commendable. In one of its statements, the Animal Welfare Board has urged that instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day, celebrate February 14 as ‘Cow Hug Day’ and show some love to the cow by hugging it.

scientific significance of hugging a cow
You would be surprised to know, but science is hidden in an appeal by the Animal Welfare Board. It has been told in a BBC report that hugging a cow is not only good for their health but also for the health of humans. This gives positive energy to the body and also increases the oxytocin hormone which reduces stress. Please tell that these hormones are made in the body during social bonding. Apart from this, spending some time with pets, playing and sitting with them gives peace of mind.

The Animal Welfare Board has appealed that instead of celebrating February 14 as ‘Valentine’s Day’, celebrate it as ‘Cow Hug Day’

In the year 2017, a research done on big domesticated-milch animals also revealed that if the neck and back of the cow is caressed for some time, the cow gets a lot of relief and it starts recognizing the human being. The cow finds a comfort zone. This is the reason why the people living in the village, farmers and cattle herders do not just look at the cow as an animal, but raise it as a member of the family. For better milk production and to make the animal feel safe, the practice of hugging them has been going on for years.

Cow hug therapy going on in these countries
For information, let us tell you that hugging a cow is not a new concept, but cow hugging has been described as therapy in rural areas from India to the Netherlands. This is called ‘Co Naflaen’ therapy, which improves the mental health of the cow as well as the person who embraces it.

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