Are there side effects in the body even after HMPV, know what doctors say

Are there side effects in the body even after HMPV, know what doctors say

HMPV After Effects : Cases of HMPV i.e. Human Metapneumovirus are continuously increasing in India. Most of the symptoms of this virus are similar to Corona. It is making children, elderly and those with weak immunity more victims. However, most of the symptoms of this virus are not very serious. Problems like cold, fever and breathing are seen in the patient. In some cases it can cause pneumonia. Therefore everyone is being advised to be cautious.

Comparing this virus with Corona, the question is being raised whether like Covid-19, any kind of health issues are occurring even after recovery from HMPV. Let us know…

Can problems still occur after HMPV?

Health experts say that after getting infected with the Corona virus, side effects of this virus were seen in many people for years. Its effects are still visible in some people till date. But if we talk about HMPV virus, this is seen in very few cases. The reason for this is that the Covid 19 virus also affects the lungs and heart but this is not seen in the HMPV virus.

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HMPV is not as dangerous as Corona

According to experts, patients infected with HMPV are recovering completely. Has been infected with severe asthma or pneumonia. After this, if infected with the virus, respiratory problems may occur, but compared to Covid, such cases are less than 2%. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much that even after HMPV, health issues like Corona can occur.

What are the symptoms of HMPV?

breathing problems

What to do to avoid HMPV virus

wash hands regularly

Do not eat food without cleaning hands

Avoid coming in contact with infected people

Do not take cough, cold and fever lightly

Take special care of children and the elderly

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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