Are you also getting used in the relationship? These are the signs

It is very important to have transparency, trust and love in any relationship, but when selfishness comes into the relationship, the relationship becomes weak. Yes, if your partner is using you, maintaining the relationship just to fulfill your physical and financial needs, then you should be alert in time and recognize this relationship. So today we will tell you how you can know whether your partner is using you or not.

  • If your partner always asks you to give expensive gifts or spend money on travel. . So understand that he is just using you to maintain his lifestyle.
  • If your partner misses you only when there is work and at other times he avoids the conversation by saying that he is busy. , then understand that your partner is using you.
  • Partnership is very important in the relationship, but every time only you initiate the conversation and send messages, call or invite to meet. If so, then understand that this relationship is going on only for use.
  • Whenever you need your partner and he avoids talking to you by making the excuse of being busy at that time or not wanting to meet you. If he comes, then understand that there is some darkness in his heart and he is not caring about you.
  • Relationship is not just about travelling, watching movies with partner, but also about being emotionally engaged with each other. You also have to be connected. If you are not able to feel that connection with your partner, then you should consider this relationship once. If even after that the partner’s condition remains the same then it would be different or good.

Read this also : Feel lonely after living with your partner? This is the big reason

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