Are you eating eggs indiscriminately? First know how much food is beneficial daily

Are you eating eggs indiscriminately?  First know how much food is beneficial daily

The winter season brings many physical problems with it. Cold, cough, cough, fever and respiratory problems usually occur to most people in this season. To avoid diseases and stay healthy, the body needs sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals. Egg is such a diet, which fulfills the requirement of many nutrients in the body. Eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and antioxidants. Its effect is hot. It works to warm the body, so most people consume it in winter. 

Now the question arises whether eggs should be eaten daily and if eaten then how many should be eaten in a day? The second question here is also whether only the white of the egg should be consumed or the yolk as well? 

Advantages and disadvantages of ‘egg yolk’

A team of researchers from the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) of McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences suggested that eating one egg a day will not harm you and neither will it affect your cholesterol levels. California-based gastroenterologist Dr. Palaniappan Manickam explained the many health effects of egg yolk through a video posted on Instagram.

He told that due to the fear of cholesterol problems, many people have reduced eating eggs, because they are a good source of cholesterol. Nutrition experts say that the yolk of a large egg contains about 200 mg of cholesterol. The American Heart Association had earlier advised avoiding egg yolk and said that it works to increase cholesterol levels. Ruchika Jain, Chief Dietician, Fortis Hospital, Delhi, said that eggs work to increase cholesterol, but still the intake can be limited to one egg. 

Many nutrients in eggs

Ruchika says that if a person is healthy, who does not have any disease and is consuming essential foods like fruits, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils and is also taking care of his heart-related food and drink, then he You can eat one egg daily. Because there are many nutrients in one egg. There is a lot of protein in the white of the egg and the amount of protein in the yolk is also high. The yolk contains fat, but it is still packed with many nutrients that are not found in the white of the egg.

Dr. Manickam said that most of the cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver. This is the reason why many experts believe that a diet high in saturated fat can force the liver to produce more cholesterol. Even though egg yolk contains cholesterol and fat, but consuming it once a day is sufficient. Eating an egg does not promote heart disease. He said that despite having cholesterol, eggs are low in saturated fat and are generally considered nutritious. There are about 78 calories in one egg. It is considered a good source of protein, vitamin D and choline. 

Ruchika Jain said that eggs contain about 65-78 calories. The point here is not that how many eggs should be eaten, but it is also important to keep in mind that how to prepare eggs, so that there is no harm to the body. If you are frying eggs with too much oil then it will definitely increase the calories. However, if you are using very little oil, then the calories in it will be very less. The amount of fat and cholesterol in the yolk is high, so if you are at risk of cholesterol then avoid it, although egg white can be eaten. Talking about healthy people, they must eat one egg daily.

Read also: These are amazing air fryers in which you can see the whole food being prepared, the price starts from 5000 only

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