Artificial Intelligence Will Help Prevent Elephant And Train Accident This Is How IDS Technology Will Work

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Prevent Elephant And Train Accident This Is How IDS Technology Will Work

Elephant Accident With Train: The Indian Railways network is about 68 thousand kilometers long. Railway tracks pass through cities, villages as well as forests. In such a situation, wild animals often die after hitting the train. According to a CAG report, between 2017 and 2021, more than 63,000 animals died in train accidents. In which 73 elephants are also included. Not only does an elephant get hurt when it collides with a train, but the train also gets badly damaged. But, now the Railways has found a solution for this. With the help of artificial intelligence, the collision of elephant and train can be prevented. Let us know how this technique works.

AI will prevent collision

In an official statement regarding this AI-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS), which prevents elephant and train collision, it has been said that this system is based on Artificial Intelligence. In this, using optical fiber, the activities of wild animals around the train tracks can be detected. About which the control offices, station master, gateman and loco pilots can be alerted by the sensors.

Information will be received from fiber optic sound

This fiber optic-based acoustic system, which works on the principle of dialysis scattering phenomenon, will give information about the presence of elephants on the railway track in real time.

Monitoring will be done up to 60 kilometers

This AI-based software can monitor railway tracks up to a distance of 60 km. Apart from this, it will also help in warning of incidents like rail fracture, encroachment on railway track and landslides near tracks etc. due to unauthorized digging near railway tracks.

Northeast Frontier Railway has also signed an agreement with RailTel Corporation of India Limited for setting up AI based Intrusion Detection System (IDS). NFR CPRO Sabyasachi Dey said that this IDS technology to prevent train-elephant collision was also introduced in Chalsa-Hasimara section of West Bengal state and Lanka-Hawaipur section under Lumding division in Assam. After which it got effective results and it was successful.

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