Arvind Kejriwal running government from jail How many letters can a jail prisoner write in a month

Arvind Kejriwal running government from jail How many letters can a jail prisoner write in a month

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has not resigned yet after his arrest and now his party says that he will run the government from jail itself. In such a situation, the question is arising that how can someone run the government from jail. Apart from this, people on social media are also asking whether it is possible that a Chief Minister can run the government smoothly through letters from jail? Let us tell you in this article how many letters can a prisoner in jail write in a day or a month.

How many letters can a prisoner write?

When we turned the pages of Google regarding this question, we found an old PDF report of the Home Ministry. According to this, a convicted prisoner is allowed to write one letter in a week and an undertrial prisoner is allowed to write two letters in a week.

What does Delhi’s jail manual say?

According to Delhi Jail Manual, a prisoner lodged here has the right to write as many letters as he wants. However, he will not get expenses from jail for this. This means that a prisoner in jail can write as many letters as he wants at his own expense. But before sending the letter out, it is checked once and if anything written in the letter causes a breach in the security of the jail, then the prisoner is asked not to write that part of the letter.

How do prisoners earn money in jail?

Prisoners in jail get money according to their work. However, this money is not available in currency but in coupons. Now the question arises that how much money do the prisoners in jail get? Let us tell you, the prisoners in the jail are divided into three categories. Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. Accordingly, prisoners get money and work. According to jail data of 2015, in Delhi’s Tihar Jail, skilled convicts, semi-skilled convicts and unskilled convicts were given Rs 171, Rs 138 and Rs 107 respectively.

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