Asthma: Asthma patients should pay attention before sitting in AC, a little carelessness can kill them.

Asthma: Asthma patients should pay attention before sitting in AC, a little carelessness can kill them.

Asthma Patients Tips: The use of air conditioner i.e. AC is increasing in the summer season. From home to office, most of the time is spent in AC. However, asthma patients need to be a little careful, because AC air can be dangerous for them. Dust particles present nearby can enter the body along with this air and cause problems. These particles enter the lungs through breathing and can also cause attacks. Therefore, asthma patients should keep some things in mind before sitting in AC (AC For Asthma Patients) and should avoid carelessness.

Precautions for asthma patients

According to health experts, before sitting in an AC, asthma patients should first pay attention to whether the AC has been cleaned properly or not. If the AC is dirty then there is a risk of its dust particles reaching the body with the air. Therefore, pay attention to the cleanliness of the AC. Asthma patients should become alert about their health as soon as the weather changes. Medicines should be taken on time.

How to avoid dust particles of AC

1. Maintain proper cleanliness of AC.

2. To keep the AC clean, clean or replace its air filter properly.

3. Keep the temperature of AC around 25 degrees.

4. If you are going to buy a new AC, then buy only an AC with an air purifier.

5. If asthma patients are sitting in AC for a long time, then sit wearing a mask and keep their inhaler with them.

cause of asthma

Asthma is a dangerous disease. In which the respiratory tract becomes swollen and the lungs also get infected. Due to this there is difficulty in breathing. Along with this, a wheezing sound is also heard while breathing and the problem of persistent cough persists. Some patients suffer from dry cough and cough more during sleep.

What should asthma patients do?

1. Avoid exposure to dust, soil and smoke or take complete precautions.

2. Asthma patients should not forget to wear a mask while going out.

3. Take your medicines on time and take proper care of your diet.

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