Astro day wise remedy to get money happiness shani dosh upay in hindi

Astro day wise remedy to get money happiness shani dosh upay in hindi

Shani Upay: Problems come in everyone’s life. Money is also needed to deal with problems, obstacles and troubles. If you are short of money, then you can solve your problem by spending a little money.

Remove obstacles in business- If you face any obstacle in your business, then on Friday night, bring 1.25 kg black gram and soak it in water. On Saturday, drain the water from these grams and cook them in mustard oil. After cooking, divide it into three equal parts. Now feed one part to a horse.

Give the second part to a poor person along with dakshina as per your capacity and tie the third part in a black cloth and wave it over your head in a clockwise direction. After this, keep this black cloth along with gram at a crossroad. The obstacles in business will start disappearing automatically.

Eliminate lack of money- If you are short of money, your work is getting stalled due to lack of money, then on the first Thursday of the Shukla Paksha of any month, first offer water to the roots of the Peepal tree, then offer some gram pulses and any yellow colored sweet.

Feed some gram lentils to the horse. You have to do this remedy for seven consecutive Thursdays. The remedy has to be done on Thursday only but for this soak the lentils on Wednesday night.

Marriage of a girl – If there is any delay in the marriage of a girl, then on Thursday make a thick chapatti of gram flour and apply pure Desi ghee on it, put some jaggery on it and feed it to a brown cow. Also worship the banana tree on this day. The obstacles coming in the marriage will be removed and the relationship will be fixed with a good family and a good groom.

Add sweetness to married life- Which house does not have conflicts between husband and wife? If small conflicts keep increasing, then it brings sourness in married life, therefore, follow the remedies I am telling you so that there is no conflict and sweetness remains in the married life.

On Thursday, take 20 grams of gram flour laddoo, two pedas of flour, three bananas and feed them to a cow which does not have a calf. Such a cow can be found in the places where people rear cows. Do this for 7 consecutive Thursdays, the married life will be filled with laughter and happiness.

Yogini Ekadashi 2024: When is Yogini Ekadashi after Nirjala Ekadashi, know the date, auspicious time here

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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