Astro tips shubh ashubh anket seeing these things while leaving the house is very auspicious

Good and bad: In Hinduism, special attention is paid to auspicious and inauspicious things. It is believed that seeing certain things before leaving the house for any work is auspicious. All work gets done by seeing these. Let us know which are those things which are considered auspicious to see while leaving the house.

It is auspicious to see these things while leaving the house (Auspicious Things To See While Leaving The House)

  • White cat is considered a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck. If you see a white cat while leaving the house, it means that your day will start well and all your work will be done.
  • Seeing birds is considered very auspicious. If you see a bird flying while leaving the house, it means that you will get some good news. If the bird flies above your head, it means that you will get some big benefit.
  • Monks are considered a symbol of renunciation and contentment. If you see a monk while leaving the house, it means that you will experience peace and contentment throughout the day.
  • Children are considered to be gentle, innocent and true by nature. If you see a child smiling while leaving the house, it means that your day will start well.
  • Green color is a symbol of nature and growth. If you see green color while leaving the house, it means that you will get success and prosperity throughout the day. All your pending work will be completed.
  • In Hinduism, cow has the status of a mother. If you see a cow while stepping out of your house or a cow feeding its calf, then understand that your entire day is going to be very auspicious. Seeing a horse, elephant or mongoose is also an auspicious sign.
  • If you hear a conch or temple bell while leaving the house or going on a journey or while doing some special work, it is considered very good. It means that your journey is going to be very auspicious.
  • It is very good to see a pot or any vessel filled with water while leaving the house. It means that whatever work you are leaving for will be completed soon.
  • According to Shakuntala Shastra, if you see a flower garland while leaving the house, it means that some auspicious event is going to happen in your house soon.
  • Seeing a funeral procession while leaving the house is also considered very auspicious. According to astrology, this is an auspicious sign which means that some good changes are going to happen in your life soon.
  • It is also auspicious to see a fish or an elephant while stepping out of the house. In astrology, fish and elephant are considered very auspicious and it is good to see them. If you see a fish or an elephant, then understand that luck is going to favor you.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of belief, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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