Astrology Important Yog In Kundali These Yoga Creates Dislike In Married Life Obstacle In Getting A Child

Astrology Important Yog In Kundali These Yoga Creates Dislike In Married Life Obstacle In Getting A Child

Astrology, Impotent Yog in Kundali: Every activity of human life has been described in Indian philosophy and Vedic astrology. In this, there has also been a detailed discussion about the relationship between men and women and their relationship. Such a comprehensive discussion in this regard is rarely found anywhere.

In Vedic astrology, planets, constellations and zodiac signs are also classified as feminine, masculine and neuter. According to the situation in the horoscope of these planets, the desire to make relations among people depends. When the position of planets in a person’s horoscope is inauspicious or weak, then impotence comes in him.

According to astrology, the seventh and eighth houses are considered in a person’s horoscope to know about the physical relationship between a man and a woman. The person in whose horoscope both these houses are not correct, there is a possibility of impotence in those people. Such persons do not take interest in physical relations.

The married life of these people is full of ups and downs. Let’s find out which is the condition due to which people are disinterested in physical relations and there is a feeling of impotence.

Who? from Planets Huh Woman And Who? from Huh male

Astrology ethology Of 9 the planets in,

  • masculinity Chieftain Planets , Sun, Mars, Guru, Rahu
  • Woman Chieftain Planets , moon, venus
  • Impotent Planets, Mercury, Saturn and Ketu

According to astrology, only these 9 planets reveal male, female and eunuch qualities in people according to their position.

There itself 12 zodiac signs in,

  • male Chieftain 6 amounts , Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
  • Woman Chieftain amounts – Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces

When female planets come in male zodiac and male planets in female zodiac, then they also affect people in different ways.

Horoscope Of it Situation brings Is impotence of Price

  • In the horoscope of a person who has Rahu or Saturn in the second house, Mercury in the eighth house and Moon in the 12th house, such people have a feeling of lack of libido or physical weakness or impotence.
  • When Kartari Yoga is formed in the horoscope, that is, malefic planets are sitting on both sides of the Moon in the horoscope, then impotence comes in the people.
  • If Kartari Yoga is formed in the horoscope and then there is any impotent planet from Saturn, Ketu or Mercury in the 8th house of the horoscope, then such a person has impotence or lack of libido.
  • If there is only Mercury in the eighth house in the horoscope and there is no aspect of any auspicious planet (Guru, Venus, Moon) on it, then such people do not take interest in physical relations.

it as well Read

Shani Dev: For how many years Saturn’s bed will remain on Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces people and Cancer-Scorpio people, know

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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