Astrology: When there is an opposite planet in the horoscope, then the mind becomes dull and the disease of forgetfulness starts.

Astrology: When there is an opposite planet in the horoscope, then the mind becomes dull and the disease of forgetfulness starts.

Astrology: Education and knowledge is essential for everyone to achieve success, excellence and progress in life. In modern times, high level of education, intellectual skills are especially essential for this.

Every parent wishes that their child should get higher education, because only through higher education one can get success in business, work, etc. But if the child is retarded, his memory power is weak, forgetfulness If you have a disease, then definitely understand that the reason for this is planetary obstruction.  It would be appropriate to know about his birth chart and the position of the planets in the fifth house, the main place of knowledge, their condition and effect.  

The year 2023 has begun. The exam dates for board exams are being announced. The time of examinations is coming near March-April. In such a situation, we are not worried about those who are sharper than intelligence, skilled in learning, learning, learning, but are worried about those whose academic health is not good, they are of retarded intelligence.  In spite of hard labor, nothing enters the mind. What has been explained, what has been taught does not stay in the mind, it is remembered very little due to retardation or forgetfulness. Weakness of memory leads to forgetting everything. 

Sometimes even relations are affected by it. The incidents of suicide by some students who are suffering from the trauma and guilt of failing or failing in the examination are heart-wrenching. Not everyone knows that it is a disease of memory weakness or forgetfulness.

Mercury of Bad Position Recall Power < strong>to does is weak

If seen from the point of view of astrology, then this disease is caused by the influence of the 12th house and 12th zodiac of a student’s horoscope.  The fifth house of the horoscope, the position of fifth lord planet also gives rise to this problem many times. The presence of Mars or Sun in the twelfth or fifth house in one’s horoscope can also give rise to the disease of retardation or forgetfulness.

Bad position of Mercury also weakens the memory power. The presence of Mercury in the twelfth house can also give birth to forgetful diseases. Similarly, moving Lord of the ascendant to the sixth, eighth or twelfth house also indicates this disease.  If the ruling planet of the twelfth house is in a bad position, it is being aspected by Rahu, Mars or the Sun, then also the person’s memory power becomes weak.

Rahu of 12th and fifth < strong>quote of effect

Rahu sitting in the twelfth or fifth house of a person’s horoscope can also give rise to this disease. If Moon or Jupiter is present in the twelfth house in someone’s horoscope, then it indicates good memory power. The arrival of Venus in the twelfth house can also provide good memory power. If Mercury or Jupiter is set in someone’s horoscope, then such people can often be victims of weak memory power.  Often this problem can arise when the planet of fire element enters the twelfth house.  This disease can arise even if a planet is in a debilitated position in the ascendant, fifth house or twelfth house in the horoscope. 

Planets of this position from remembrance < strong>strength is is weak

If Mars is placed in the fifth house of the horoscope and Mercury is also in afflicted condition, then there is a great possibility of memory power becoming weak. If many planets are sitting in the twelfth house in someone’s horoscope, along with Moon and Jupiter, then also this disease can make its place. The presence of more than two malefic planets in the ascendant also gives rise to this disease. If new moon is born, lagna and ascendant lord are also in afflicted state and the lord of sixth house is in strong state, even then there are high chances of developing memory weakness. 

Planets of in position in children < strong>has wit has is sharp

According to astrological opinion, education is considered from the fifth house of the horoscope.  The better the position of fifth house and fifth lord, the better will be the education of the child.  If there is a benefic planet in the fifth house, aspected by auspicious planets on the fifth house, lord of the fifth house is sitting in an auspicious house, if the factor of the fifth house is also in the fifth house or in any center or triangle, then the education of the child would be equally high. is. 

Planets of this position makes < strong>retarded wit

On the contrary, if malefic planets are present in the fifth house, the fifth house is surrounded by malefic planets, fifth lord is under malefic influence or in the sixth, eighth, twelfth house, then education becomes obstructed.  If the lord of any house sits in the house of expenditure, then there is a lack of education. However, while thinking about education, the status of the teacher should also be seen. If Jupiter becomes exalted in the fifth house and becomes retrograde, then its exaltation ends and it becomes ordinary.

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