atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima instead of Kyoto because of the honeymoon of the then US War Minister Henry L. Stimson

atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima instead of Kyoto because of the honeymoon of the then US War Minister Henry L. Stimson

The scars of the nuclear attack on Japan are still on the chest of the world. It is not easy for human civilization to forget that scene. In just a moment, thousands and millions of lives were lost due to this nuclear attack. But do you know that the nuclear bomb that was to be dropped on Hiroshima was actually going to fall on Kyoto in Japan. Let us tell you what happened at the last moment that America changed its decision and chose Hiroshima instead of Kyoto for the nuclear attack.

The story of a honeymoon

It was the year 1920. The then US War Minister Henry L. Stimson went to the Japanese city of Kyoto with his wife to celebrate their honeymoon. When he reached Kyoto, the beauty and peaceful atmosphere of that city won his heart. His wife also found this city more beautiful than other cities of the world.

Now let’s talk about the Second World War. About 25 years after Henry L. Stimson’s honeymoon in Kyoto, the world was burning in the fire of the Second World War. America wanted to teach its enemy Japan a lesson. It decided that it would use the atomic bomb to bring Japan to its knees. Three cities of Japan were chosen for this attack. Kyoto was also among these three cities.

When Stimson came to know about this, he was furious. He tried his best to remove the name of Kyoto from the list. He believed that the sweetest memories of his life were associated with that city and this city was very dear to him, so he could not let it be destroyed. In the end, Stimson succeeded in his efforts and the US government chose Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the atomic bomb attack.

How much Hiroshima was destroyed after the attack

On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 am, when the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, nothing was left in that city except devastation. As soon as the bomb hit the ground, the temperature there reached 10 lakh degrees. Everything was reduced to ashes. About 80 thousand people lost their lives. Those who survived had become living corpses. Only injured people and fallen buildings were visible everywhere. It took decades for Hiroshima to recover from this wound. Even though today Hiroshima is a magnificent city, the wounds inflicted by Little Boy are still fresh in its heart.

read this also: What was the temperature after the bomb fell on Hiroshima, due to which the ashes of the bones could not be saved

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