Autism: This test will tell you in 2 minutes whether your child has autism or not?

Autism: This test will tell you in 2 minutes whether your child has autism or not?

It is often difficult to treat autism in children because its initial symptoms may appear differently in different children. In the beginning, anyone may feel that this is normal, but later it is known that the child has autism.

Children suffering from autism show different types and symptoms of the disease. Which we can call ‘spectrum’. Therefore, there is no single test that can tell how to treat neurological and developmental disorders in this disease. Research has revealed that sometimes when children start growing up, its symptoms appear in their body. But there is no initial treatment. But now a recent research has revealed that if it has to be treated, it can be done in the beginning itself through a test of bacteria found in the intestine.

What does the research say?

This research should track the gut microbiota or intestinal microbiome for its early treatment. Which are the microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses and their genes that live in our digestive system. Researchers have analyzed more than 1,600 stool samples from normal and autistic children aged 1 to 13 years to identify several biological markers.

31 changes in gut microbiome linked to autism found

In this research, they found 31 changes in the gut microbiome associated with autism. According to the news published in ‘Indian Express’, Dr. Yogesh Shouche, Deputy Director of SKAN Research Trust, Bangalore, says. This means that gut examination can be used along with or instead of genome sequencing, medical history and brain scans to direct treatment in the right direction. He said, changes in the gut microbiome are associated with obesity, diabetes and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s. Therefore, in autism disease also, its condition can be detected through gut bacteria test."text-align: justify;">What is autism?

Autism is a mental illness. Its symptoms start appearing in childhood itself. The development of children suffering from this illness is comparatively very slow. It starts developing from birth to the age of three years. This illness stops the mental development of the child. At present, many researches are being done on this illness but no definite method, test has been found. 

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