Avoid These Mistakes During Monsoon Food Poisoning or Your Health May Worsen

Avoid These Mistakes During Monsoon Food Poisoning or Your Health May Worsen

As soon as the rainy season arrives, the risk of diseases increases, especially food poisoning. Due to moisture and dirt in the rain, food items get spoiled quickly, due to which bacteria and viruses start growing. It is very important to keep some important things in mind to avoid food poisoning in this season. If you make some mistakes, your health can deteriorate. Let’s know which mistakes you should avoid.

Do not eat stale food outside
Avoid eating stale food outside during the rainy season. Food gets spoiled quickly in this season, which increases the risk of food poisoning. Eat only fresh and hot food.

Not paying attention to cleanliness
It is important to take special care of cleanliness during the rains. Always wash your hands before and after eating. Keep the kitchen and eating area clean so that bacteria and viruses do not grow.

Ignoring water quality
Water quality is also affected during the rainy season. Drinking contaminated water can cause food poisoning. Always drink clean and boiled water. If possible, use a filter.

keeping food uncovered
Always keep food covered. Open food can spoil quickly and can also get infected by germs. Always keep food in clean containers and store it in the refrigerator.

Avoid eating contaminated vegetables and fruits
During rains, vegetables and fruits are more affected by mud and dirt. Wash them thoroughly before using them, so that any kind of germs or bacteria can be avoided.

not keeping food at the right temperature
Food can spoil quickly during the rainy season, so it is important to keep it at the right temperature. If the food needs to be cooled, keep it in the fridge and if it needs to be heated, heat it properly.

Not taking care of diary products
Milk and milk products get spoiled quickly in the rain. While buying them, keep in mind their freshness and avoid storing them for a long time.

reheating food
Reheating food repeatedly during the rains can reduce its nutrition and increase bacteria. Therefore, cook only as much food as you can eat at one time.

Buying packaged food without looking at it
While buying packaged food during the rainy season, definitely check its expiry date and the condition of the packaging. If the packaging looks damaged or swollen, do not buy it.

leaving food for too long
Do not leave food outside for a long time after cooking it. Eat it as soon as possible or store it in the fridge. Bacteria can grow in food kept outside for a long time. You can avoid food poisoning by taking care of these small things during the rainy season. If you want to stay healthy, it is important to pay special attention to cleanliness and food.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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