Baba Vanga Predictions 2023 For India Are Very Dangerous

Baba Vanga Predictions 2023 For India Are Very Dangerous

Baba Vanga predictions 2023: The dangerous predictions about the world including India for the year 2023 made by Bulgarian prophetess Baba Venga, one of the world’s famous soothsayers, are scaring people.

Now only a few days are left for the new year to begin. In such a situation, his predictions are making people sleepless. Let us tell you that so far 2 predictions made by him regarding 2022 have proved to be true. Let us know according to the predictions of Baba Venga, how will be the year 2023 for India and is anything going to happen?

India to taking Dad Venga Of Prediction

Regarding India, Baba Venga has predicted that a solar tsunami may occur in the year 2023. Due to this, there will be huge loss of money and people. Apart from this, there will be an explosion in a nuclear power plant in the continent of Asia, which will also affect India.

will come destructive solar storm

According to the predictions of Baba Venga, in the year 2023, there will be a devastating solar storm. During this, dangerous radiations emanating from the explosion of energy emanating from the Sun will fall on the earth, which can be as destructive as billions of nuclear bombs.

Dad Venga Of year 2023 Of Prediction

According to the predictions of Baba Venga, year 2023 There will be a big astronomical event on the earth. Due to the effect of this event, there will be a change in the orbit of the earth. Whose effect will be very dangerous. A very large number of people will be killed.

who Was Dad Venga,

Baba Venga was a resident of Bulgaria and a female fakir. At the young age of 12, she had lost the sight of both her eyes. Baba Venga lived his entire life in the Rupite region of the Kozuh mountains in Bulgaria. He was born on 3 October 1911.

His real name was Vangelia Pandeva Gushtarova, who became famous as Baba Venga. Baba Venga has predicted till the year 5079 before saying goodbye to the world on 11 August 1996. He is also called the Nostradamus of the Balkan region.

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