Babies born with the help of robots! Important contribution of video game remote, major achievement in the field of medicine

Babies born with the help of robots!  Important contribution of video game remote, major achievement in the field of medicine

As technology is getting better, in the same way many big changes are coming in the field of science which are like touching new heights for humanity. Recently, man has touched a new dimension by achieving such a feat. For the first time, two babies have been born with the help of a robot, about which everyone is surprised. Before guessing, it is important for you to know the complete news. Here the robot has given birth to the child not directly, but indirectly (Babies born with sperm-injecting robot).

According to the report of the New York Post, sperms have been injected into a human egg with the help of a robotic needle, after which the embryo developed and now with the help of the same robotic needle. Two children have been born who are girls. Experts say that due to this new technology, the cost of IVF will also reduce to a great extent. At present, trained embryologists are needed for IVF, with the help of which fertilization is done, but due to this needle, they will not be needed.

two girls were born
According to MIT Technology Review, a team of Spanish engineers used a robotic needle to implant sperm cells into human eggs at the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City. This process produced two healthy embryos from which two girls were born. According to the report, among the engineers who were working on the world’s first insemination robot, there was one who did not know much about fertility medicine. It was told in the report that he made special use of the remote of the video game during this process, so his contribution is also important.

playstation remote used
It was told in the report that the robotic needle was kept in the right position from the controller of Sony PlayStation 5 and the human egg was monitored with the help of the camera. Then that needle moved forward on its own and entered inside the egg. Then he left the single sperm cell inside the egg. These two girls are the first sample of conception by robot. Let us tell you that a startup named Overture Life invented this robotic needle.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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