Banana Farming Makes Farmers Richer know all about this farming

Banana Farming Makes Farmers Richer know all about this farming

Leaving aside farming like wheat and maize, farmers have now turned towards cash crops. In which banana cultivation is providing a lot of benefits to the farmers. Banana is such a cash crop that it can be grown in every part of the world and it yields good income throughout the year. Its demand in the market also remains constant in every season, hence banana cultivation is proving to be a profitable deal for the farmers.

Hot and even climate is best for banana cultivation, banana cultivation is more successful in areas with high rainfall, loamy and clayey loamy land rich in organic matter, which has good drainage, that land is considered the best. In which the pH value of the soil of the field is 6-7.5 which is good for banana cultivation.

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Selection of soil is very important for banana cultivation. For this, a field rich in nutrients should be selected. Soil testing is very important, so that the soil of the field can be treated on the basis of testing. Testing will help in completing the nutrients that are lacking. Due to which not only better production of banana can be achieved, the health of the soil can also be known. Smooth sandy soil is considered very useful for banana cultivation. For this, the pH value of the land should be between 6-7.5.

Too acidic or alkaline soil is not suitable for its cultivation. There should not be any problem of waterlogging where bananas are being cultivated. If this is so, then farmers should make arrangements for drainage of water in the fields in advance. Apart from this, while selecting the field for banana cultivation, one should also keep in mind the air circulation. Better air circulation is best for banana cultivation.

These are good varieties of banana

There are many improved varieties available for banana cultivation. In which the robusta variety of banana from Singapore has been considered better for farming. This gives higher yield of banana. Apart from this, banana species like Basrai, Dwarf, Green Bark, Salbhog, Alpan etc. are also considered good.

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Before planting banana, green manure crops like dhencha, cowpea should be grown, so that green manure can be supplied in the field. It works as fertilizer for the soil. After this, for banana cultivation, the field should be plowed 2 to 4 times and leveled. To break the clods of soil formed in the field, the field should be plowed with rotavator or harrow. Give proper slope to the soil. While preparing the soil, base dose of FYM should be added and mixed well.

Use manure and fertilizer in this manner

Before the beginning of the rainy season, i.e. in the month of June, the pits dug should be filled with soil by adding 8.15 kg of Nadep compost, 150-200 grams of Neem cake, 250-300 grams of single super phosphate, 200 grams of nitrogen, 200 grams of potash. After this, banana saplings should be planted in the pits dug in advance. For this, healthy and fit plants should always be selected.

banana planting time

If there is facility of drip irrigation, banana cultivation can be done through tissue culture in poly house throughout the year. In Maharashtra, the months of June and July are good for its cultivation in Kharif season. The best time for planting banana seedlings is in Rabi season in October and November.

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