Banana Why you should not avoid eating it this winter

Banana Why you should not avoid eating it this winter

People are often confused about whether they should eat fruits in winter or not, especially bananas. There are many people who say that eating banana in winter is very harmful. In such a situation, the question arises whether banana should be eaten in winter or not? Should children be fed bananas in winter? Eating banana in winter can increase cough and cold. Today we will answer all the questions through this article.

Should one eat banana in winter?

According to health experts, banana is very beneficial for health. But most people stop eating bananas in winter. For your information, let us tell you that doing this is not right at all. Eating banana does not cause any harm. However, if you have any kind of cold, allergy or infection in throat or nose, then do not eat banana at all. Don’t let your child eat banana even by mistake at night. Eating banana provides instant energy. Therefore you can eat banana in any season. But do not eat banana even by mistake during cold and cough. This may increase your problems.

Benefits of eating banana in winter

Eating banana keeps the heart healthy

The risk of heart disease increases in winter. If high blood pressure patients eat banana in winter, it is good for them. Actually, banana contains high fiber which provides relief in heart related problems. Banana rich in fiber is very beneficial in heart related diseases. The potassium present in it keeps the heartbeat and high blood pressure under control.

Banana contains rich nutrients

Banana contains calcium as well as potassium, manganese and iron. Contains many essential nutrients like magnesium, niacin, folate, riboflavin and vitamin B6. Which is very beneficial for the body and bones. It also cures joint pain in winter.

Also quenches sweet cravings

If you feel like eating sweets, you can eat banana. After eating this, your sweet cravings are satisfied. At the same time it also controls appetite.

Also read – Eating ragi is very beneficial in winter, know how to include it in your diet daily

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