Band-baja is not used in this village of UP, it is also far away from fireworks; Villagers told the reason

Amethi / Aditya Krishna: There is a village in Amethi, UP, where even today there is no band baja or fireworks on any function or festival. Because, the people there are still following a special old tradition. From small children to the elderly, everyone is standing together to preserve this tradition.

The name of this village which follows this strange tradition is Aintha. This is the same village where people do not even use TV. In this village, along with TV, band music and fireworks are also completely banned. The elders of the village call it a wasteful expenditure and advise to stay away from it. So other people of the village also follow the tradition along with the elders. There are more than 150 houses in the village. Everyone follows this tradition.

A tradition carried on for years
The village is an example of Hindu-Muslim unity. And this tradition has been followed for years. People stay away from band-baja and fireworks, considering them a waste of money. On the other hand, the people here help the poor and fulfill their social and economic needs.

No protest, everyone is with the tradition
Mohammed Naeem, a Maulvi of Madrasa in the village and a resident of this village, says that no one has ever opposed this tradition. Everyone has supported the tradition. He says that when we all have to pass time, we all go to the market. We ask people about their happiness and sorrows and talk about good things. Our time passes in all these activities. Due to this, there was never any opposition to this tradition. Nor was there any desire for it. At the same time, an elderly person of the village says that according to today’s time and environment, we all stay away from this useless expenditure. There is no worry of unnecessary expenses and other financial problems. Along with this, we all have been following this tradition since childhood and will continue to do so in the future.

Tags: Amazing news, Amazing story, Amethi news, The news has hit the, Local18, OMG News

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