Banking Cyber ​​Fraud be aware of personal loan call by scammers check details

Banking Cyber ​​Fraud be aware of personal loan call by scammers check details

Cyber ​​fraud in banking: Many times people call from the bank pretending to be customer support. When you pick up the phone, a boy or a girl talks to you in a very soft voice and then tells you that he or she is the customer relationship officer of your bank. Not only this, after this they also praise your banking transactions and your credit card history.

The customer support person tells you that he is offering loans at very low interest. After this, he gives you various kinds of temptations and also appeals to share important information.

How to identify a banking officer or a scammer?

Sometimes you may also get the number of a banking officer. The way to identify this is that banking officers never ask you to share information related to your account. Apart from this, they do not ask for any card related information. But scammers try to get this information by luring you.

fall into such a trap

Actually, when you get a call from the banking manager, he gives you information related to the bank – like coming to the bank and getting KYC done, updating the number etc. But when scammers call, they put pressure on you that if this work is not completed right now, your account will be frozen.

Know what is the way to avoid it

Let us tell you that if you want to avoid fraud, then avoid giving any personal information to any unknown person. Apart from this, before picking up any call, see who the caller is and where he is speaking from. Not only this, always call on the official number of the bank.

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