Banning the sale of tobacco can prevent 1.2 million deaths from lung cancer, know what the study says

Banning the sale of tobacco can prevent 1.2 million deaths from lung cancer, know what the study says

Lancet Study On Smoking: Due to continuously deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, youth are falling prey to many diseases. In such a situation, while living a digital life, everyone is playing with their health in the race to follow fashion trends. The youth are not shying away from smoking and consuming tobacco to maintain their status symbol.

Recently, a shocking revelation has been made in the Lancet study, according to which, if a smoker controls his smoking addiction, his lifespan can increase by one year. This is a big fact especially related to men’s health.

What does the Lancet study say?

In fact, a surprising revelation has come to light in a recent study published in The Lancet Study Public Health General. According to this study, by reducing the global smoking rate to 5% by the year 2025, the average age of men can increase by one year and the average age of women can increase by 0.2 years. Researchers estimate that if the current trend continues, smoking will reduce to 21% among men and four percent among women. Overall, according to this study, if a person reduces his smoking habit, then the lifespan can increase.

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Additionally, the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries and Risk Factors, Tobacco Forecasting Collaborators suggest that efforts to end tobacco could prevent the loss of 876 million years of life. Banning cigarette sales by 2095 could prevent 1.2 million deaths from lung cancer in 185 countries. Two-thirds of these will be in low-income and medium-earning countries.

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Millions of deaths can be prevented

In this study, Stein Emil Volset of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington also emphasized the importance of maintaining momentum in reducing smoking. It said that millions of premature deaths can be prevented by quitting smoking.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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