Beard or girlfriend is your choice… strange demand of girls, video going viral fast

Beard or girlfriend is your choice… strange demand of girls, video going viral fast

Indore. Something strange keeps happening in every corner of the country, the video of which also goes viral on social media. Well, you too must have seen many such videos, which must have surprised you. For the past few days, a funny video from Indore is also going viral. While some people are in favor of it, some girls have also expressed their displeasure in this matter.

You will be surprised to know that girls in Indore took out a rally for clean shaven boyfriend. These girls have placards in their hands, on which some slogans are also written. It is written on these placards, “no clean shave, no love” and keep the beard or have a girlfriend, the choice is yours. In this strange rally, the girls held placards in their hands and raised slogans; the girls also wore symbolic beards on their faces.

Millions of people have watched the video
Where some people are watching this action of girls with surprised eyes. People are considering this video funny and entertaining, while some people say that it is a stunt done for show or reels. This video is becoming increasingly viral on social media since last two days. Till now millions of people have seen it. On which many girls of Indore expressed their displeasure through Local-18 and said that it is not justified to put such pressure on boys.

Boys also deserve freedom
Komal Vyas, who works in a multinational company, says that ‘the girls who are protesting that no beard, no girlfriend… clean shave… this is not right. Just as girls can live with their freedom, similarly boys can also live with their freedom. The girls who are doing this stunt will also have boyfriends with beards. So why behave like this? This is a publicity stunt.

Why snatch away the happiness from boys…
Jini Devalia, founder of Social Welfare, says that if girls look beautiful with makeup then boys also look beautiful with beard, it is not right to associate them with any particular class. I have been a boys’ hairstyle and beard expert for 15 years. I have seen that they are as conscious about their beard as girls are about their make-up, so why snatch away their happiness from them.

This action of girls just to go viral on social media is not right, it will also send a wrong message to the society. Boys never refuse to wear make-up, so why are girls refusing? His beauty is his beard. Which you are trying to snatch. If you don’t like it then put restrictions on your family and husband-boyfriend, keep it limited to yourself, why involve others, this opinion of yours should be shared with your close ones.

society will be adversely affected
Neha Khatri from Overseas Education says that this shameful act will have a negative impact on the society. Their parents would also feel embarrassed. Today, so many crimes are committed against girls, then where do these girls go, why do they maintain silence on these big crimes, when there is a need to protest on those issues, but they do it just to get views on social media and make it viral. Doing a publicity stunt. It is worth thinking about the direction in which girls are going, embarrassing the family and society, and imposing their views on boys.

Tags: Indore news, Latest hindi news, Local18, Mp news, mp viral, Mp viral video

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