beauty tips for man and woman sesame seeds for glowing skin shine face like moon

beauty tips for man and woman sesame seeds for glowing skin shine face like moon

Everyone wants to make their face beautiful and glowing. In such a situation, people use many expensive products. But still they do not get relief. If you too are not able to remove stains and pimples from your face even after using many such products, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you about one such thing, using which you can make your face soft and beautiful. Let’s know about this thing.

Benefits of sesame for skin

Sesame is considered very beneficial for health as well as skin. By using it, you can make the face beautiful and glowing. It contains many medicinal properties, which are also considered very beneficial for the skin. Sesame contains antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and remove dead skin. With its help, you can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Helpful in keeping the skin healthy

It cures wrinkles and lines. Nutrients like vitamin E, B6 and magnesium are found in sesame, which help in keeping the skin healthy and makes the face glow. Not only this, sesame has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation on the face. It can be beneficial for problems like acne and eczema.

Use of sesame

Sesame oil is a natural moisturizer, which helps to hydrate and nourish the skin. It also helps in making the skin soft and glowing. If you massage sesame oil on your face lightly every day before sleeping, you will see the effect in a few days. You can also make a scrub with the help of sesame.

Sesame scrub

To make this, mix two tablespoons of ground sesame seeds with one spoon of curd and one spoon of honey and make a good paste. Apply this paste on your face and massage the face with light hands for 5 minutes. After that wash the face with lukewarm water, doing this helps in removing dead skin and makes the skin shiny.

Sesame Powder

Sesame powder is a natural cleanser, to make it, mix one tablespoon of sesame powder with one teaspoon of gram flour and some water and make a paste. Apply this paste on the face for 10 minutes, then wash it with clean water. If you do this remedy daily, you will see the effect in a few weeks. Keep in mind that before using sesame, do a patch test, because some people may have allergies. If you have allergies, stop using it and consult a doctor.

Also read- Dark Circles: You can also get rid of dark circles by using these things, the effect will be visible in a few days

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