Became a victim of hippo 3 times, survived even after going inside the mouth! The person told how to avoid the attack

Became a victim of hippo 3 times, survived even after going inside the mouth!  The person told how to avoid the attack

Hippos may seem cute and calm in appearance, but they are very dangerous creatures and even big predatory animals are saved from them. They are very unpredictable creatures like crocodiles, you never know when to attack. If someone goes swimming near him, it will surely be his last swimming. But a person has had a dangerous encounter with this creature, in which he has come out 3 times inside his mouth (Man eaten by hippo survive) and now he is telling people how to avoid hippo attack.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, Paul Templer, while talking to CNN Travel, told about his shocking experience when he encountered a hippo (How to survive hippo attack). In 1996, when he was 28 years old, he started working in Zimbabwe as a tour guide. They were going on a safari in small canoes down the Zambezi River. About 6 people were on the tour with him and there were 3 guides. 3 people were made to sit in a canoe.

When the hippo attacked the canoe
Everything was going well but suddenly they came across dozens of hippos which were rarely found in that river. The plan was that he would go away from them but it did not happen. Suddenly the canoe behind Paul jumped in the air, then he understood that the hippo had attacked. Ivan, the guide of that canoe, had fallen down after coming out. So all the guides took the tourists to a safe place and Paul himself went into the water to save Ivan. Then he saw a sharp edge in the water which was moving towards him. He hit the water hard with the paddle, so that the hippo would get scared, but he did not get scared and attacked his canoe.

Hippo’s attack caused so much damage to his left hand that it had to be amputated. (Photo: Facebook)

Paul went into the hippo’s mouth thrice
Paul fell into the water and the next moment there was darkness in front of him. He told that till the lower part of the waist, he could feel that his feet were in the water of the river, but the upper part of the waist, i.e. from the head to the waist, was dry, and it was dark in front of him. Along with this, severe pressure and pain was being felt on the waist. Then he realized that he was inside the mouth of a hippo. The animal immediately spat them out. He came to the surface, took a deep breath, and before he could recover, the hippo put him back inside his mouth a second time. This time the teeth on his stomach were sharpened. In a few moments, he again spat on Paul and Paul again came to the surface and took a long breath. He saw inside the water that the hippo was moving towards him with his mouth open again. He could do something that for the third time he went inside its mouth and the animal spit him out for the third time. Meanwhile, a member of his team reached there and somehow pulled him out from there. The second guide, named Ivan, had drowned in the water.

How to save your life in hippo attack?
Paul was taken to the hospital. There were deep wounds on his body, a hole in the lung due to tooth penetration and the left hand was amputated, which later had to be completely amputated. After this incident, Paul explains to people how to avoid hippo attack. They say that if a hippo attacks someone, it will be known in advance because the arrow-like edge appears to be formed in the water when it moves at high speed to attack. Apart from this, one should not beat with a paddle in the water because it makes the hippo more angry. If you are in a canoe and your canoe is attacked by a hippo, get out of the canoe immediately, because instead of you, the hippo becomes angry at the larger size of the hippo and wants to drive it out of its territory. If he pulls you under the water, try to blow in as much air as possible for as long as you stay on the surface. Apart from this, he said that never go alone in the water with hippos, go with someone who has experience of it.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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