Before Joining A Gym Keep These Things In Your Mind To Avoid Heart Attack Problems Know Why People Are Getting Heart Attack In Gyms

Before Joining A Gym Keep These Things In Your Mind To Avoid Heart Attack Problems Know Why People Are Getting Heart Attack In Gyms

heart attack: As if there is a trend of heart attack while exercising in the gym. Recently famous actor Siddhant Suryavanshi and artist Raju Srivastava Died due to heart attack. Due to the news of heart attack coming one after the other during the gym, there is a fear in the minds of the people that whether they should do gym or not? Along with this, people also want to know why the youth are getting heart attack?

It is a fact that exercising daily improves heart health. But, for some time, the cases of heart attack while exercising are increasing continuously. In such a situation, some people are also scared to exercise now. Dr. Bipin Chandra Bhamre, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, Sir HN Reliance, Mumbai has advised to keep some important things in mind before joining the gym. If you keep these things in mind then the risk of heart attack can be avoided.

That’s why people are having heart attack

Dr. Bipin Chandra Bhamre told that first of all it is necessary to understand that if a person is seeing or feeling symptoms of heart pain like heaviness, left shoulder pain during exercise, then the exercise should be stopped immediately. Along with this, he told that people with diabetes, high blood pressure, history of smoking, family history of heart disease should also be careful and not gym for long. Exercising fast, excessive repetition, excessive weight or without break while doing gym can lead to heart attack. He told that this happens when a person is not active since childhood and suddenly starts exercising to increase his fitness.

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Dr. Bhamre told that many people are not physically active and they suddenly plan to become fit and adopt a healthy lifestyle. But, before that it is necessary that the person should know his health condition. If a person feels heaviness in the chest or abdomen, nausea, dizziness or weakness, then he should stop exercising immediately as this could be a sign of an internal problem. Sudden cardiac arrest during exertion occurs due to problems related to the heart. When a person excises, there is pressure on the heart due to which the plaque bursts.

keep these things in mind

Dr. Bhamre told that if someone is planning to exercise or go to the gym, then he should first talk to his doctor. Don’t forget to get your cardiac screening done to know about the health of your heart. With this, you will get information about the health of the heart and you will be able to exercise without any hesitation. He told that to stay fit, opt for activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and yoga for 150 minutes at least 5 days a week. It is better to exercise for 45 minutes instead of exercising continuously for 2 to 3 hours. Do not exercise if you feel body ache or breathlessness or weakness. Dr. Bhamre told that start the exercise slowly and then increase the weight. If on any day you are feeling unwell then take rest instead of going to the gym on this day. Exercise according to your abilities and avoid the observation of others.

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