Bhagavad Gita Growing Age Makes Every Person Realize This One Thing Priceless Thoughts Of Geeta

Bhagavad Gita Growing Age Makes Every Person Realize This One Thing Priceless Thoughts Of Geeta

Knowledge of Geeta: Shrimad Bhagwat Gita describes the teachings of Lord Krishna that he gave to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war. The teachings given in Gita are equally relevant even today and show man the right way to live life. There are 18 chapters and 700 verses in Gita, in which education has been given to do good deeds while following the path of religion.

The solution to all the dilemmas and problems of life is found in the Gita. It is believed that by following the words of Gita, life changes and a person gets success in every work. Let’s know about the priceless thoughts of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.

Important things of Gita sermon

  • According to the Gita, as a person grows older, he realizes that he has unnecessarily given importance to those people who had no contribution in his life.
  • Shri Krishna says in Gita that a person should learn to control his anger. When anger comes, a person loses control over himself and does wrong things in a fit of rage. The decisions taken in anger are often wrong due to which the person repents later. That’s why try to calm yourself when you get angry.
  • According to Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, every human being must do introspection. It is through self-knowledge that a person comes to know about his merits and demerits. Self-reflection helps a person to decide right from wrong. That’s why do introspection by staying alone for some time.
  • According to Shri Krishna, it is also very important for a person to assess himself. Until you understand yourself, you will not be able to take any decision related to yourself with firmness. When a man knows his qualities and shortcomings, then he is able to build his personality properly.
  • According to Gita, every person should control his mind. The mind is very fickle and this is the reason for our sorrows. The person who controls his mind walks on the path of success. Such a person remains focused only on his work and achieves the goal easily.
  • According to the teachings of Shri Krishna, a man gets the result according to his deeds. Therefore one should concentrate only on one’s actions without thinking about the consequences.

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