Bharat Biotech Nasal Vaccine Incovac Will Be Launched On Republic Day 26 Januray In India

Bharat Biotech Nasal Vaccine Incovac Will Be Launched On Republic Day 26 Januray In India

Nasal Covid-19 Vaccine: The first intranasal Kovid-19 vaccine ‘Incovac’ developed in the country will be started to be given to the people from 26 January. Company’s Chairman and Managing Director Krishna Ella gave this information. It has been made by Swadeshi Bharat Biotech. This vaccine was approved by the Government of India on December 23 last year amidst the growing havoc of Corona in China.

During a conversation with students at the India International Science Festival (IISF) held in Bhopal, Krishna Ella told that the Nasal vaccine will be officially launched on Republic Day on January 26. It was announced by Bharat Biotech in December last year that it would cost Rs 25 per dose. At the same time, for a private vaccine center, its cost will be Rs 800 per dose.

Recently, another thing came to light regarding this that the nasal vaccine will not be given to those people who have already got booster dose. This information was given by Dr. NK Arora, the head of the country’s vaccine task force. This is for those who have not yet taken the precautionary dose.

Nasal vaccine is effective

The name of this nasal vaccine of Bharat Biotech is iNCOVACC. This vaccine has been made jointly by Bharat Biotech and Washington University of America and it has proved effective in three phase trials. Earlier, the Drug Controller General of India, DCGI, had approved Bharat Biotech’s Intranasal Covid vaccine for emergency use.

How is it used?

The nasal vaccine will be given through the nose instead of being applied to the arm. In all the research that has been done so far, it has come to the fore that the corona makes a place in the body through the nose itself. In such a situation, if this vaccine is given through the nose, then it will prove to be very effective.

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