Bharti Singh Birthday know laughter queen struggle to comedy show struggle story mother used to clean toilets

Bharti Singh Struggle Life: Comedy queen Bharti Singh needs no introduction today. Bharti, who became famous in every household by the name of ‘Lalli’, has achieved her position on the basis of hard work. The comedian has entertained the audience a lot with her talent and humor. Bharti Singh is going to celebrate her birthday on 3 July. On the occasion of her birthday, let us know how much struggle Bharti, who always keeps laughing, faced in her childhood.

Father’s shadow lifted from my head in childhood

The success that Bharti Singh has achieved in the world of comedy is something that hardly any other female comedian has achieved. But let us tell you that Bharti did not taste success so easily, she suffered a lot of poverty and pain in her childhood. There was a time in ‘Lalli’s’ life when she yearned for every morsel of food. Yes, in an interview given to Brut India, while remembering the days of struggle in her childhood, Bharti Singh revealed that, ‘She lost her father at the age of two. After this, her mother raised her and her siblings alone.’

Further Bharti Singh had told that, ‘Her mother did everything from sweeping and mopping the houses to cleaning toilets. Even the people where her mother used to work would give her stale food and after that Bharti and her family would eat that food thinking it was fresh. The poverty was such that even an apple thrown in the dustbin would make one feel like picking it up and eating it. Diwali pooja would also be done when her mother would bring sweets after work. At that time the whole family survived by eating salt and roti.’

Bharti Singh was craving for every morsel of food

Not only this, comedy queen Bharti Singh had revealed that many times she had to sleep on an empty stomach. Due to poverty, Bharti was forced to leave her college studies. After this, Bharti decided to do something and she came to Mumbai from Punjab with her family. After this, Bharti started doing comedy. Initially, people made fun of her obesity. But Bharti Singh made her identity with obesity and started climbing the ladder of success.

Bharti Singh got fame from the comedy show ‘Great Indian Laughter Challenge’. Apart from this, she also appeared in Comedy Nights with Kapil. Not only this, Bharti also hosted many reality shows. After this, Bharti met Harsh Limbachiyaa after which the comedian married her on 3 December, 2017. Now Harsh and Bharti have a cute son. Whom they have named Lakshya. Bharti Singh has traveled from rags to riches in her life.

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