Bihar: National Conclave of Examination Board concludes, Anand Kishore said – Bseb got national recognition

Bihar: National Conclave of Examination Board concludes, Anand Kishore said – Bseb got national recognition

guest of honor
– Photo: Amar Ujala


The two-day Conclave of Examination Board 2010 organized by the Bihar School Examination Board in Patna has been successfully concluded. At the conclusion of the conclave, Bihar School Examination Board Chairman Anand Kishore congratulated all the honored guests for participating in the event. He said that such events should be organized from time to time for the examination boards of all the states so that all the examination boards get an open platform from such events where discussions can be held regarding examination reforms. Anand Kishore told that in this program he got an opportunity to know and learn many new things and he got other important information. On this occasion, Anand Kishore was given a standing ovation during the conclusion of the program today by the respected guests present at the Conclave.

These people were made panel experts

A total of 32 examination board chairmen, secretaries and office bearers from 23 states participated in the conclave. Representatives from various institutions, CENTA, NIEPA, ACER, NCTE, NCVET and CDAC participated as panel experts in this two day conclave. Anand Kishor, Chairman, Bihar School Examination Board, felicitated all the panel experts and chairman, secretaries and officials of all the examination boards participating in the conclave by giving them momentos and Madhubani painting organ clothes.

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