Birth Anniversary Of Swami Vivekananda Symposium Organized By Cadets Of Ncc Army Wing In Seminar Hall – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live – National Youth Day: Principal of Agra College said

Birth Anniversary Of Swami Vivekananda Symposium Organized By Cadets Of Ncc Army Wing In Seminar Hall – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live – National Youth Day: Principal of Agra College said

Cadets of NCC Army Wing organized symposium
– Photo: Amar Ujala


On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, cadets of NCC Army Wing organized a symposium in the seminar hall of Agra College on Thursday. The topic was “Messages of Swami Vivekananda and Emerging India”. Chief Guest College Principal Prof. Anurag Shukla said that if the youth imbibe the message of Swami Vivekananda, they can change the picture of the country.

Pro. Shukla said that Swami Vivekananda worked to awaken the sleeping youth of the country. At the age when our youth today think about making their career, Swami Vivekananda had restored the spiritual power of the country across the world. Company Commander Captain Amit Aggarwal said that today the country is ready to lead in every field. It is the leading nation in the world in fields like finance, space, education, medicine, technology, science, spirituality, agriculture etc. Swami Vivekananda worked to awaken the youth. Inspired the countrymen to end untouchability from the country.

Operations Senior Under Officer Manasvi Chaudhary and Under Officer Tarushi Saraswat expressed vote of thanks. Sergeant Priya welcomed the guests. Dr. Cadets like Anand Pandey, Prateek Mishra, Prakash, Anu, Prachi, Monica, Ashish Yadav, Neelofar, Lakshmi Singh etc. handled the arrangements.

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