Blood cancer is a type of cancer that affects your blood cells

Blood cancer is a type of cancer that affects your blood cells

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a special type of blood cancer. When cancer occurs in the bone marrow, the number of white blood cells in the blood starts increasing abnormally. This can be a serious beginning of cancer. This disease is increasing rapidly among Indians.

This disease is very common in people between the ages of 30 and 40. However, Chronic Myelogenic Leukemia (CML) disease grows very slowly in the body. If this disease is detected in time, then treatment is possible.

To detect this disease on time, it is very important to get blood tests done frequently. Protein is detected in the blood through BCR-ABL. This protein is responsible for CML. If you do this test regularly, you will get to know immediately if you have CML. It can be treated in the initial stages.

CML cancer onset

It is very important to identify CML cancer at an early stage. When there are constant changes happening in your body, it is very important to take special care of it. Usually, constant pain in the bones, bleeding, bloating after eating a little, excessive fatigue, fever and weight gain even without working hard can be its early symptoms. Pain in the ribs, lack of appetite, sweating during sleep and blurred vision can be the early symptoms of CML cancer.

Causes of CML Cancer

CML cancer occurs when many types of changes start taking place in the bone marrow cells. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. These chromosomes contain genes. These genes instruct the cells what to do next. In what is called CML cancer, many types of changes take place in the set of chromosomes. A section of chromosome 9 gets replaced with chromosome 22. This creates a short chromosome 22 and a long chromosome 9.

According to a report published in Britain’s Nature Communications Journal, scientists claimed that 19 types of cancer can be detected through a blood test. Not only this, cancer can be detected 7 years before its occurrence through a blood test. Blood samples of 44 thousand people were taken from Britain. Out of these, 4 thousand 9 hundred people had cancer. The research team examined proteins from the blood of 1463 people. To find out which protein can be linked to cancer. This research has found that 618 types of proteins are linked to 19 types of cancer. These include intestinal, lung, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and liver cancer. More research is needed in this.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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