Bloody Lake: ‘Blood’ used to come out of this lake instead of water, the ice here was also red, scientists discovered the truth

Bloody Lake: ‘Blood’ used to come out of this lake instead of water, the ice here was also red, scientists discovered the truth

You will get an idea of ​​how strange this world is only when you will know about the strange things of this world. There is something very unique in every country. Somewhere there is a ‘door to heaven’ and somewhere there is a ‘way to hell’. Today we are going to tell you about one such strange thing which is in the world’s coldest place i.e. Red glacier Antarctica. Here instead of white, ‘red ice’ (Blood red ice in Antarctica) is seen, from which ‘blood’ comes out instead of water!

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, the secret of ‘Blood Falls’ had been puzzling scientists for years, but they discovered the truth only one day, after which people came to know that it was not actually red ice or blood. , It is so only because of the uniqueness of nature. Famous by the name of Taylor Glacier, there is a glacier in Antarctica from which red color is seen coming out. It is in the Mac Murdo Dry Valley and was first discovered in 1911. For decades, scientists were engaged in finding its secret.

Scientists solved the mystery
In recent years, the University of Alaska Fairbanks has solved this mystery. According to the research, the red glacier or ice is not from today, it is present for about 1.5 million years and this is due to continuous oxidation. Actually, due to salt in this valley, there is saline water in which the amount of iron is very high. It is in a closed pond in which sunlight or oxygen does not reach properly. Because of this, their quantity in it is very less.

Because of this the color of water is red.
When the flow of water comes in contact with the oxygen in the air, the iron present in it gets rusted due to which it turns the color of the water red. People do not live in this area because the weather here is very cold. Helicopter is the only option to reach Blood Falls, which can be found from McMurdo Station in America or from Scott Base in New Zealand. Researchers found that many bacteria live in that water, which thrive with the help of the same iron and sulfate.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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