Board Exams 2024 CBSE Board Exams Preparation Parents Behavior During Board Exams Tips For Students

Board Exams 2024 CBSE Board Exams Preparation Parents Behavior During Board Exams Tips For Students

Parents Role During Board Exams: There is no need to tell how important the role of parents is in the life of any child. These people are so close to a child’s heart that when something is said through them, it has a deep impact. Many times both the child and the parents are not very expressive but this does not reduce the attachment and this bond. For this reason, the role of parents becomes important before, during and after the board exams. You can support him by taking care of some small but important things.

Keep these things in mind

  • Do not repeatedly interrupt the child to study or do any other work. Say something once or at most twice and let him take the decision on his own. Do not apply forceful pressure.
  • Do not taunt him throughout the day regarding everything from eating to sleeping and waking up on time. Do not present the exams as a bogeyman. Children of class 10th-12th are so intelligent that they know the importance of these exams.
  • Do not compare your child with other children with their preparation. They get very irritated by this. Rather, if possible, motivate him and praise him.
  • If you want to talk about studies or any shortcomings in it, then take the help of creative criticism. That is, praise him for one thing and gently point out the other thing in such a way that if this happens in this area then maybe better results will come.
  • Today’s children are more sensitive, so anger or resentment rarely works with them. If you know the nature of your child very well, then tackle him accordingly.
  • If he is very nervous or under stress then talk to him. Try to lighten his mind. Tell him that there is nothing more important than this in this world, no exam.
  • If he is scared, is not sleeping properly or has any other issue then pay attention to him, monitor his activities and if you notice any different pattern then talk to him.
  • If you can’t handle it, take expert help. Children often hide their feelings from their parents. In such a situation, get them to talk to someone with whom they are comfortable.
  • Do not fill his mind with unnecessary fear regarding the exam nor make the exam a bogeyman. Tell him that he can do better in some other area. Be his support, give him a positive environment. You will automatically start performing well in exams.

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