Boiled or cold potatoes, which one is healthier? Know the opinion of health experts

Boiled or cold potatoes, which one is healthier? Know the opinion of health experts

Whenever we talk about any vegetable, the first thing that comes to our mind is potato. Because potato is the only vegetable that you can eat by mixing it with any other vegetable. Its taste increases twofold. But the question arises that which way of eating potato is more beneficial, by frying or boiling it?

Which is better boiled potatoes or cold potatoes?

Potato is such a vegetable that you will not be disappointed in any form of it. You can eat it in any form like French fries or Dum Aloo. But the biggest problem with potatoes is that it is always associated with calories. Today we will talk about it and today we will tell you in detail how eating boiled and cold potatoes is beneficial?

Cold potatoes contain more starch

After cooking and cooling potatoes, the amount of starch in them increases. This starch passes from the small intestine to the large intestine without being digested. Due to which it becomes a good prebiotic which nourishes the good bacteria in the intestine and in turn helps in improving the intestinal microbiota.

Potatoes contain 4 types of starch:-

RS1: Found in whole or partially milled grains and seeds, where starch is physically inaccessible to digestion.

RS2: Found in raw potatoes, raw bananas and some beans.

RS3 (retrograded starch): This type of starch is formed when starch-rich food items are cooked and then cooled. Such as potatoes, rice and pasta.

RS4 : starches that have been chemically altered to resist digestion.

What’s the best way to cook cold potatoes?

This hack can be used for all busy people who want to enjoy their potatoes and other starches with fewer negative effects. Boil the potatoes and cool them down and use them in any recipe like parathas or sabzi. Even cooked and cooled rice will have a lower glycemic index than steaming hot rice.

How can you maintain starch resistance?

Cook the starch as per your preference by boiling, steaming, grilling or roasting it first. This will gelatinize the starch and make it more decomposable once it cools. The potatoes can then be chilled in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours or frozen for 8 to 12 hours.

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