Brides Should Follow These 9 Diet Tips Before Wedding Day

Brides Should Follow These 9 Diet Tips Before Wedding Day

Diet Tips For Brides: Wedding day is a special day for every girl. Girls make a lot of preparations for this day, like losing or controlling their weight and paying attention to the skin etc. Most of the girls adopt a healthy diet and skincare routine before marriage. There is an atmosphere of running around in the house regarding marriage, due to which girls sometimes get nervous and get worried. In such a situation, there can be bad effects on their health.

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee told in one of her Instagram posts that if you are not giving proper nutrition to your body and also not exercising, then you will not be able to feel good and neither will you be able to look fresh and good at the time of marriage. He also said that for some women the days leading up to the wedding are very stressful. Because she struggles a lot to maintain her weight and figure. A nutritionist has shared some simple diet tips for soon-to-be brides, which will help you look beautiful as well as stay healthy.

Follow these diet tips

1. Eat frequent and small amounts of food: Doing this will help in reducing the blood sugar level caused by stress. Apart from this, it will also prove to be a good strategy to manage your weight. Make sure to include at least 5 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables in your food routine.

2. Drink vegetable juice: Prepare and drink two glasses of vegetable juice daily made from spinach, tomato, gourd, coriander and mint etc. It will work to detoxify your body and at the same time it will also eliminate the foul smell coming from the body.

3. Include protein in food: Include 40 to 45 grams of protein in your diet such as egg white, fish and dairy products.

4. Orange juice: Fresh orange juice can prove to be very beneficial for your skin and hair. It will also provide easily digestible nutrients to your body.

5. Avoid refined food items: Stay away from things made of fine flour like noodles, rumali roti, naan etc. Because they retain water in your body, which can make you feel bloated.

6. If you have pimples then eat low fat food.

7. Drink coconut water at least twice a week. Because it is good for your skin and digestion system.

8. Drink plenty of water daily.

9. Keep the right amount of calcium in your food.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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