Budget 2023 India Effect For Mulank 1 To 9 Know Numerology Prediction Of Union Budget

Budget 2023 India Effect For Mulank 1 To 9 Know Numerology Prediction Of Union Budget

Union Budget 2023, Numerology: Numerology means the science of numbers. Numbers are associated with every area of ​​our lives. Like birthday, exam result, salary, bank account number, car number, house number etc. All these numbers have a deep impact on our lives, which can be understood through Numerology or Numerology. What will be the effect on the lives of Indians after the budget. Know this through Numerology according to numerologist and sign astrologer Vivek Tripathi.

Let’s start from the year 2023

The sum of the digits of 2023 comes to 7. It is added like this ‘2+0+2+3=7’ and the number 7 is Ketu prime number i.e. number of shadow planet. Ketu gives unexpected benefits. This year is going to be good for all those who are friendly planets or friendly numbers of planet Ketu.

Know about 1-9 radix in detail

radix 1

People with Radix 1 are those who were born on 1, 10, 19 or 28 of any month. Number 1 is Sun-dominated planet and the good thing is that it is a friend of Ketu i.e. number 7. In this way, this year of 2023 is going to be good for people with number 1 after the budget.

From February to July, they will not face any problem and if they face any problem, they will find a solution immediately. But the month of August will be full of problems.

Expenses will be high from September to December. Although sources of income will also increase and there will be no money problem. Health will also be good. October and November need to be a little cautious towards health. Overall, this year will be good for the people with Radix 1.

radix 2

Such people, who were born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month, have 2 radix. Number 2 is associated with the Moon, that means the owner of number 2 is the Moon.

This year is not going to be very special for people with number 2. Difficulties will come from time to time, more money will be spent, you may have to travel to some unwanted place, even if you want to, the focus on saving will decrease. But the good thing is that this year any stalled work will also be completed. There will be money expenditure and tension in July, August and September. Overall, this year will be mixed.

Radix 3

Such people who were born on 3, 11, 21 or 30 of any month, their radix is ​​3. Number 3 is related to the planet Jupiter, that is, the master of number 3 is Jupiter or Jupiter.

The year 2023 is going to be an average year for the number 3 people. Work will continue in routine, money will continue to come. There is a possibility of hindrance in doing any work, especially in the investment plan. Work will be intermittent. Savings will be less and expenses will be more, work related to government department will bother you. The time of June and July will be stressful, any kind of unwanted information can also be received.

During this, if there is no chalance by taking the cooperation of senior officers in the office, then there can be trouble in the department. August and October are not going to be good in terms of health. That’s why take special care of food during these months.

Radix 4

Such persons who are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd of any month, they all have 4 number and 4 number is related to Rahu planet i.e. it is affected by Rahu.

The good thing is that for Rahu people this year 2023 is affected by Ketu because the total sum of 2023 comes to 7 and 4 i.e. Rahu and 7 i.e. Ketu are numbers made for each other. Both the numbers are incomplete without each other. In such a situation, it can be said on this basis that, this year is very important for the people of Radix 4. This year is going to be special for these people. This year, more sources of income will be created, sources of income will materialize from many sides, the time has come to make such works which were planned till now but not materialized. In this way, if the year after the budget is going to be most auspicious for anyone, then it is for those with 4 numbers. You will also save, you can also make a big investment, which will benefit them in future. This year will be good in terms of health. There will be chances of tourism between October and December. Overall, this year is going to give very auspicious results for the people with Radix 4.

Radix 5

Such persons who are born on 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month, they all have 5 radix and number 5 is related to the planet Mercury. It is the smallest and most effective planet. This number 7 means Ketu’s friendly planet. On this basis, it can be said that this year will be good for those with 5 number.

The year after the budget is going to be exciting. For them, this year is going to be good for speech related, land related, media, advocacy related and professional people. You will keep on getting the taste of success. There will be chances of traveling between June and August, good time will be spent with family. If people with number 5 are thinking of doing something new this year, then they must start because this year will not let them fail.

This year will be good for health, the months of September and October can be a bit disturbing. There can be tension on financial matters. But soon you will get over it. Overall, this year will be good for people with 5 number, there will be economic development and new plans will come true.

Radix 6

Such people who are born on 6th, 15th or 24th of any month have radix 6 and the number 6 is influenced by the planet Venus. The good thing is that in the year 2023, the number 7 comes which is related to Ketu and numbers 6 and 7 are friendly numbers. From this it can be understood that this year will be good for those with number 6.

There will be financial benefits, expenses will be within the limit, attention will be on savings, but chances of buying something valuable will be made from June to August. February to March can be worrying. There can be tension about something and there will be a confused time. During this, do not take any decision in haste, otherwise loss is certain. Time will be good from May, will get the support of a special person. Money expenditure will reduce and sources of income will increase. This year will be good in terms of health. No serious problem of any kind will be related to health. Overall, this year will be good for 6 number people.

Radix 7

The year of “sone pe suhaga” is going to happen after this budget for the number 7 people. People who are born on 7th, 16th or 25th of any month have a radix of 7 and the total radix of 2023 is also 7. In this way, this year is our own year for those with 7 number. You will not be afraid to take risks, confidence will be at its peak throughout the year, no work is going to be difficult. In this way, many sources of income will be created, you will be excited throughout the year and it is time to work on a new plan.

But the month of February and March is the time after the budget when money will be spent more, there will be tension related to money, but such stressful time will not come again in the whole year. Some health related problems may come in the month of November and December. During this, there is a need to take care of food and drink.

Radix 8

The number of people born on 8, 17 or 26 of any month is 8. Number 8 is influenced by the planet Saturn. Planet Saturn has a lot of influence in the lives of such people.

Since this year is of radix 7 i.e. it is related to Ketu. Shani and Ketu are friendly planets, so this year will be good for people with 8th number, they will gain money, they will be enthusiastic, they will like to spend more time with family and their loved ones. But March, November and December will not be good in terms of health, there can be a problem in bones, some old injury can emerge. It is a year of respect, overall this year will give a lot.

Radix 9

Such persons, who were born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, they all have 9 number. Number 9 is related to Mars. Mars has a lot of influence in the lives of such people.

For those with Radix 9, this year is going to be mixed after the budget. Will worry about money throughout the year, money expenditure will also be high, can also take loan from anywhere. In this way, it is a year of economic concern. But will keep progressing in personal life and will get full support of the family. It is a good thing for 9 number people that they will get help in some form or the other.

But taking financially independent decisions should be avoided. If you take any financial decision only after consulting any senior colleague or senior member, then this year will also be auspicious. On the scale of health, they need to pay attention to themselves, because this year is a year for them to spend a little patience. They can take stress on something for a long time, which should be avoided. Overall, this year is going to be patient for them in economic matters.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that ABPLive.com does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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