Buffalo Tail Amputation In India: In the country of milk production, most of the farmers or herders prefer buffalo only. Due to the high quantity of milk and being nutritious, people also like to drink it. Animals become victims of many diseases. The tail of buffaloes is also a similar part. Due to infection, many times buffaloes get very upset. Animal parents also remain worried. Let us know in which situations the tail has to be cut and what is the method?
The procedure is called Tail Amputation
Infection usually occurs in the tail of a buffalo or if it comes under the hoof of another animal, the tail of a buffalo gets injured. This infection is so serious. The lower part of the tail starts falling off by itself. Sometimes the tail has to be cut when the infection increases. This process of tail cutting is called Tail Amputation.
When is the tail of a buffalo cut?
Doctors say that many times the tail of a buffalo gets cut off by itself and then it has to be cut many times. Many factors are responsible behind this. For example, serious infection on the lower part of the tail, serious injury to the tail due to coming under the hoof, hair flying from the lower part of the tail, bleeding from the tail, stop of blood supply in the tail, Blackening, bacterial and parasite attack on the tail of buffalo. Due to this, sometimes normal and sometimes serious infection occurs. Apart from this, if there is any cancer or lump formation in the tail, if the blood vessels of the tail are damaged or there is any serious disease, then the tail has to be cut.
First get tested, then treat
Doctors say that while cleaning the buffalo, check the tail. If any kind of infection is visible in the tail. Getting angry. If the tail is turning black, see the doctor immediately. Doctor Doctor can check cancer, other lumps. If the infection is of serious nature, then treatment is started immediately.
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How is tail cutting done?
While adopting the process of cutting the tail, the buffalo remains conscious. A bandage is tied tightly in the upper part of the tail. After this, the joints of the tail are checked, so that there is no problem while biting. An injection is given to numb the bite area. After injection, the operation of surgery is started. The tail is cut keeping in mind the joint of the bones. After this, bandage is done on it in such a way that there is no problem in the blood vessels. The tail is taken care of for a few days. The tail is left open when the wound heals.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.