Bullets were fired on the crowd and corpses were scattered, these are the world’s most dangerous massacres

Bullets were fired on the crowd and corpses were scattered, these are the world’s most dangerous massacres

The Rwandan genocide is considered to be the biggest genocide in the world. In this genocide, about 0.8 million people died in 100 days. Today we will tell you how this genocide started and how many people died in it. Know what happened in the Rwandan genocide.

Rwandan genocide

The Rwandan genocide took place in April 1994, after which about 0.8 million people died in the entire country in just 100 days. Let us tell you that it was an ethnic conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu community of the country, which took such a terrible form. This genocide started after the death of the President. According to the information, on 7 April 1994, Rwandan President Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien were assassinated while boarding the plane. At that time, the Hutu community was in power and they felt that the Tutsi community had committed this murder. The very next day of this murder, genocide began in the whole country. The Hutu government’s own soldiers were also involved in this. They were ordered to kill the Tutsi community.

8 lakh people killed in 100 days

Let us tell you that at the beginning of this genocide, more than 80000 people of the Tutsi community were killed in just a few days and many people fled the country. This genocide lasted for about 100 days, in which the death toll reached close to 10 lakh. The Tutsi community had the highest number of deaths in this.

Millions of families destroyed

In this genocide, the Hutu community even chopped innocent children and threw them on the streets. This genocide destroyed Rwanda, in which lakhs of families were destroyed. This genocide was so terrible that even today people here get scared remembering that incident. According to some media reports, children and women were its biggest victims. During that time thousands of women were gang-raped. After the brutal murder of the people of Tutsi community, their houses were looted, after which their bodies were burnt in the houses itself.

How did the situation deteriorate

Now you must be wondering how the situation of Rwanda deteriorated. Let us tell you that before 1918, the situation in Rwanda was normal. Although the country was poor, there was no violence. But in 1918, Belgium occupied Rwanda, after which a census was conducted here. After this, the Belgian government issued identity cards to identify the people of Rwanda. In this identity card, the people of Rwanda were divided into three castes (Hutu, Tutsi and Tova). In the division, the Hutu community was declared the upper caste of Rwanda and the government started giving them facilities. This infuriated the Tutsi community and violent clashes started between the two communities.

Rwanda became a country

Rwanda became independent in 1962 with the mediation of western countries and a new country was formed. After this, in 1973, ‘Habyarimana’ of the Hutu community became the President of Rwanda. But Habyarimana’s plane was attacked, in which he died. This incident became the reason for the Rwandan genocide, after which about 20 percent of Rwanda’s population was wiped out in this genocide.

Also read: Can we drink the blood of an animal? Know how dangerous it is

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